Sara Kate's Story

Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or Treat! was a busy and long day! I started off my Halloween festivities at school. We had a black and orange party with lots a good snacks. My mom and dad came for the party.
Here's a pic of me and Eleanor at the party..
After my school party, we came home and got ready for our neighborhood kids party at the clubhouse. I was Little Red Riding Hood this year. It was actually a last minute second costume. My mom bought me a cute bee costume last month but every time someone got it out of the closet, I said "no-no, put it back in closet". Apparently, I was afraid of the bee. Little Red Riding Hood suited me just fine...because I got to wear my loud black shoes!! Jake wore his outfit for pictures and that was it. His dragon outfit was way too warm for today. Plus, it was kind of small and he was uncomfortable.

We had a lot of fun at our neighborhood party. They had all kinds of spooky snacks and fun things to do. They had a big moon walk to jump in and hayrides for the kids. Here is a picture of Eleanor and I at the party. We are sharing candy corn and pizza. Eleanor was the Hulk.

By the end of the evening, I got the hang of the trick or treat thing. I liked getting candy from my neighbors and really enjoyed seeing all the kids come to my house to get candy. Here's me at the end of the night...chocolate faced and wired on sugar!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Jake - 4 month stats

Well, Jake had his 4 month check-up today. He got 4 shots but was a really good boy. He didn't cry that much. He now weighs 19 lbs and 7 oz. He's off the charts on weight. The gap between he and I is closing. I now only have 5 lbs on him! Jake is 27 in. long and in the 94th percentile for height. His head is only in the 40th percentile. The funny thing is besides the extra fat on his legs, he doesn't really look fat. He's solid! The dr. said that he is going to be a BIG boy! In fact a lady in the waiting room asked my mom how old he was...she said that he looks to be about 9 months. My mom told her..nope, he just turned 4 months! Overall, his check-up was good. The dr. couldn't get over how happy of a baby Jake is. She said that my mom deserves it! I guess she was referring to me as a baby:( Jake can "offically" start eating baby cereal and baby food now.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

A sad day..

Today was a very sad day. My dog Jack went to heaven today. He was taking medicine for the past 2 weeks for a possible infection from a bump on his chest. He seemed better except for the past few days. Today was his worst day. He didn't want to play or walk and he was having trouble breathing. My mom made him an appointment for this afternoon at the vet but he didn't make it. I was actually napping when it happened but immediately when I woke up questioned "where's Jack-a-boo?". He's usually at my mom's feet so I wondered where he was. My mom told me that he went to heaven. My other dog Brantley is very sad and lonely. We are giving him extra love because he doesn't quite understand what happened to his best friend and brother. I probably won't remember Jack when I get older but he's in a lot of my pictures so I'll hear all about him when we look at pictures.
Here's a picture taken of me today while I was feeding my baby. I saw my mom feeding Jake today and had to do the same exact thing with my baby. I said that the squash baby food was gross and messy. I'm not sure how Jakey can eat that stuff! Yuk!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

My dad's birthday..

I'm a little confused on why my mom calls my daddy lately, I've decided to call him Drew too! Anyway, I won't tell you how old he is but Drew's birthday was yesterday. I loved coming home to birthday balloons and cupcakes! My mom had dinner planned but when she went to cook it, she realized that my dad threw the meat out with the garbage! So, we had last minute birthday pancakes for dinner! Wow...pancakes, cupcakes and ice cream...what a recipe for a bellyache! I enjoyed my cupcake and ice cream and enjoyed another cupcake around 8PM when my mom realized that I crawled up on a chair to get the cupcakes and help myself! Jake's favorite were the balloons. He couldn't take his eyes off of them! Here's a picture from last evening..a little dark but the best pic we took.

Jake's 2nd first day...

Jake started coming to my school on Monday. He had a little bit of a rough day on Monday getting used to the new teachers and babies. But his second day was much better. Unlike most babies he LOVES tummy time and does NOT like back time. That's probably because my mom bends the rules and allows him to sleep on his stomach. After 1 morning of no sleeping at daycare, we think they bent the rules too. Here's a pic of Jake and I with Miss Lucy. She was also my infant room teacher. Now that Jake is in her classroom, I LOVE getting to see her everyday!

Another little pumpkin photo

FYI - hard to see but yes, that black and blue spot on my upper right-hand forehead is a big bump. You know that song...5 little monkeys jumping on the bed?...well, I fell off and bumped MY head!!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Happy Fall!

It's been quite a week at the Lamberson house. We've all had some sort of stomach virus this week. First, Jake..then my mom and then me. I even think that one of my dogs got it! My dad is the only one left who hasn't gotten it. We're crossing our fingers for him. It's NOT fun! Since, I'm under the weather, we canceled our trip to pick out pumpkins today. Instead, my mom went by herself. After my nap, I felt like getting dressed and taking a few pics. I love the pumpkins. I call every pumpkin a "pumpkin patch". I picked that one up from school. In other news, Jake starts going to my school on Monday. Friday was his last day at his old school. His teachers were really sad to say good-bye to him. They love him so much. But, it will be better on all of us for Jake and I to go to one school. The ghost on our door is because we got spooked! My neighborhood plays a game every year before Halloween where someone spooks you and then you have to spook 2 more houses...meaning you leave treats on the doorstep and ring the doorbell and jump out and scare the people. Since we have babies, our spooker spared us the spook and just left the treats!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Jake's Baptism

We all had such a fun weekend! Cousin Erin came to visit along with Ree and Pop. I got tons of attention and enjoyed every bit of it! The weekend was special for Jake. He was baptized on Sunday. The Tow cousins came to the baptism as well. All the kids were very well behaved in church. Jake really only cried once and that was when the priest held him. After church we all went for brunch at a resturant called Relish in downtown Roswell. The french toast was my favorite! It was back to the routine this morning. I had a lot of fun at school today. My friend Robert transitioned to my 2 yr old classroom. We played all day together. Uh-oh, I may have a boyfriend!
Here are some pics from our weekend...more at password is sarakate
Me in my Penn State outfit. Cousin Erin is holding me.
Outside playing.. Jake and Grandma Ree Jake riding my car Jake is such a happy baby. If you smile or laugh at him, he smiles or laughs right back. Another cute pic of Jakey..

Monday, October 06, 2008

My first haircut!

No, they didn't cut off all the curls! I just needed a trim. My hair was all different lengths and it was starting to get really out of hand. Now, I look SO pretty!


Sunday, October 05, 2008

Full weekend

It was a full weekend for my family. I love weekends and the break from our weekday routine. The weekends just go too fast! Enjoy the pics...

Me before church. I LOVE these shoes! My mom has to hide them from me. I like to jump and tap in them and make LOTS of noise!

Here's a video of Jake making a little noise and me giving him big hugs. He really likes when I dance for him. My mom heard me this morning saying...Go Jakey Go I was dancing forhim.

We ended the weekend at our neighborhood block party. I had SOOOOOOO much fun! I will sleep good tonight!

Eleanor and friends...

Look at me, I'm such a big girl! I really enjoyed playing on all the big kid's toys. I now have a list for Santa....including a big trampoline! I had so much fun jumping on the trampoline...and laughed so much as I jumped. My dad had to get on it to get me off because I wouldn't listen and get off when he told me to. He went flying in the air when he tried to reach me. I took the opportunity to run from him! It really was hilarious!

Friday, October 03, 2008

Check out these thighs!

Just a sneak pic of my not so little brother. He's growing and growing. Here he is wearing his 12 month clothes at 3 months old. My mom had to buy him new bigger socks because his baby socks were making marks on his legs. He was quite tired tonight and couldn't stay awake through the evening. He must have played a lot at daycare.