Sara Kate's Story

Monday, October 06, 2008

My first haircut!

No, they didn't cut off all the curls! I just needed a trim. My hair was all different lengths and it was starting to get really out of hand. Now, I look SO pretty!



  • At 2:10 PM, Blogger Ree said…

    How cute you look with your new haircut! I guess there will be baretts and bows now. I still don't know where you got such curly hair, but we don't know where Uncle Kyle got his either. I love you sweetie!

  • At 11:24 AM, Blogger Patti Thames said…

    I love your new haircut. I wouldn't have thought it would make such a change. You're cute as a button

    Cousin Patti

    PS Jake is a cutey patootie, too.


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