Sara Kate's Story

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Full weekend

It was a full weekend for my family. I love weekends and the break from our weekday routine. The weekends just go too fast! Enjoy the pics...

Me before church. I LOVE these shoes! My mom has to hide them from me. I like to jump and tap in them and make LOTS of noise!

Here's a video of Jake making a little noise and me giving him big hugs. He really likes when I dance for him. My mom heard me this morning saying...Go Jakey Go I was dancing forhim.

We ended the weekend at our neighborhood block party. I had SOOOOOOO much fun! I will sleep good tonight!

Eleanor and friends...

Look at me, I'm such a big girl! I really enjoyed playing on all the big kid's toys. I now have a list for Santa....including a big trampoline! I had so much fun jumping on the trampoline...and laughed so much as I jumped. My dad had to get on it to get me off because I wouldn't listen and get off when he told me to. He went flying in the air when he tried to reach me. I took the opportunity to run from him! It really was hilarious!


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