Sara Kate's Story

Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or Treat! was a busy and long day! I started off my Halloween festivities at school. We had a black and orange party with lots a good snacks. My mom and dad came for the party.
Here's a pic of me and Eleanor at the party..
After my school party, we came home and got ready for our neighborhood kids party at the clubhouse. I was Little Red Riding Hood this year. It was actually a last minute second costume. My mom bought me a cute bee costume last month but every time someone got it out of the closet, I said "no-no, put it back in closet". Apparently, I was afraid of the bee. Little Red Riding Hood suited me just fine...because I got to wear my loud black shoes!! Jake wore his outfit for pictures and that was it. His dragon outfit was way too warm for today. Plus, it was kind of small and he was uncomfortable.

We had a lot of fun at our neighborhood party. They had all kinds of spooky snacks and fun things to do. They had a big moon walk to jump in and hayrides for the kids. Here is a picture of Eleanor and I at the party. We are sharing candy corn and pizza. Eleanor was the Hulk.

By the end of the evening, I got the hang of the trick or treat thing. I liked getting candy from my neighbors and really enjoyed seeing all the kids come to my house to get candy. Here's me at the end of the night...chocolate faced and wired on sugar!


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