Sara Kate's Story

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Happy Fall!

It's been quite a week at the Lamberson house. We've all had some sort of stomach virus this week. First, Jake..then my mom and then me. I even think that one of my dogs got it! My dad is the only one left who hasn't gotten it. We're crossing our fingers for him. It's NOT fun! Since, I'm under the weather, we canceled our trip to pick out pumpkins today. Instead, my mom went by herself. After my nap, I felt like getting dressed and taking a few pics. I love the pumpkins. I call every pumpkin a "pumpkin patch". I picked that one up from school. In other news, Jake starts going to my school on Monday. Friday was his last day at his old school. His teachers were really sad to say good-bye to him. They love him so much. But, it will be better on all of us for Jake and I to go to one school. The ghost on our door is because we got spooked! My neighborhood plays a game every year before Halloween where someone spooks you and then you have to spook 2 more houses...meaning you leave treats on the doorstep and ring the doorbell and jump out and scare the people. Since we have babies, our spooker spared us the spook and just left the treats!


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