Sara Kate's Story

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

My 4 year stats

I know..a little late but I just had my 4 yr. old check up yesterday. We changed drs..had to get an appt. with the new dr..get medical records transferred, etc. There's no other reason than convienience that we left our old pediatrician. We really liked them but their office was not close to our house. When we were sent home sick from daycare, my mom or dad would have to leave work, come get us (near our house) then drive south again to the dr. Our new pediatrician is right by our school and house...perfect! SO..what a miserable check-up for me. I had to get 3 booster shots in the legs! I have to get 2 more when I turn 5. I told my mom.."I'm never turning 5!". My mom took me for ice cream afterwards and that consoled my tears until later on in the night when my legs started hurting:( Other than that the visit was ok. I had an eye and ear test which is new my well check-ups. Eye..passed. Ear..failed on the left ear. I don't have a tube in that ear anymore and had some fluid in it. We'll try to get the fluid cleared up and then go for another hearing test. I weigh 37 lbs (50th percentile). I'm 39 in. tall (35th percentile).


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