Sara Kate's Story

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

School Conferences

It's that time of conferences. Mine was yesterday and Jake's is next week. We are so opposite so I'm sure they will be SO different! For the most part, I got all good marks. My teacher said that I suprised her at my math skills. They really haven't focused a lot on addition but I knew 1 +1 and 2 +1, etc. Ms. Dawn said that I'm so tiny and quiet that I probably suprise a lot of people with all I know:) She also said that I'm very patient and just a delight to have in her class. I listen and never do anything bad. Although these aren't bad things, she said that I need to work on being more on focused, speed and more independent. I get distracted very easily. My mom can relate to that. I'm always falling or running into things because I'm busy watching other things and not focusing on what I need to do. This is probably a personality trait..and not a bad one as long as I get my school work done on time! Ms. Dawn said that I will probably have low blood pressure all my life as not many things "ruffle my feathers". My mom said that I'm like my dad (although he doesn't have low blood pressure!). It's true..I'm just so easy going and really such an angel of a child. My mom took me with her last weekend to get her hair cut, colored/highlighted. Do you know that we were there for 3 hrs and I didn't make a peep. I colored the whole time and didn't bother anybody. You could tell when we walked in, the owner gave this look like..oh no...she brought a child with her. But I proved them wrong..I was so well behaved. So many people kept saying..oh my, look how good she is! Other parents talk about their kids throwing tantrums, etc. and as far as I'm concerned my mom can't relate. Now, Jake that's another story!:) I'll have a seperate post on his conference. My mom is sending my dad for that one!

I never updated this one...Jake's conference never happened. My dad was sick the day that it was supposed to be and it never got rescheduled. Jake is very smart though. At 2.5 yrs old now, he knows most of his letters, numbers, shapes, colors and can even spell his name. He talks about words that rhyme and is contstantly pointing out cars as we drive...firetrucks, towtrucks, pickup trucks, cars that match our car, etc. He often corrects my mom if she calls a pick-up truck just a truck. Jake is VERY observant and learns through me as well!


  • At 8:35 PM, Blogger Ree said…

    I am just now seeing your latest post, and it is Nov. 14! You ARE an angel of a child, and you are correct in saying you probably get that after your dad.(although I didn't know your mom when she was little)I could take him anywhere and had no doubt, he would be as good as gold.I am just wondering why you haven't posted Jake's school report yet!You two are both such smart kids, and I really want you to do your best in school. I talk to my students pretty much on a daily basis about how they always need to do their best.
    Love you both very much and can't wait to see you Thanksgiving!


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