Sara Kate's Story

Saturday, January 31, 2009

a SUPER birthday!

Tomorrow is my mom's birthday. She's 33 yrs old...WOW, she's old! We celebrated today because tomorrow is the superbowl, and we're going to a party. GO Steelers! Jake seems like he's getting sick again so hopefully we go to a party. I love parties! Today, was gymnastics again. I had so much fun. We pulled up to the place and I we are! I couldn't get out of the car fast enough. Word must have got around in my classroom of the gymnastics class because to my suprise Maddie and Robert were there today too! I love Robert. When I came in the door, he screamed "Sara Kate!" and ran and gave me a big hug. My favorite is still the trampoline. I jump..apart..together..apart..together all the way down the trampoline. I'm so intent that I get it right. Sometimes, I get distracted by all the mirrors and like to watch myself as I jump. What's Jake doing these days? Well, he's crawling everywhere. He crawls all over the first floor of our house. I guess it's time to put the gates up again:(. I'm not really sure why he loves "my things" so much. He pants as he crawls close to what I'm playing with. My favorite toys are my litte people. I get them all sitting on their chairs so nice and he just crawls by and knocks them all down. Of course I scream and try to move but he just follows me wherever I go! I still love to hug him and make him laugh. And, he really does love me but him destroying my stuff is annoying sometimes.

Black and Gold icing for the Steelers win tomorrow!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Jake snapshot

Jake..trying on new clothes this morning. He chewed the tags off so I guess he's keeping them!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Dr. Destruction!

aka Jakey is now 7 mo. old and let me tell you that he goes EVERYWHERE and is into EVERYTHING! I crack up my mom and dad because if Jake starts coming after my things, I tell him no ma'am, no ma'am! I've also started taking my things into the bathroom, shut the door and tell him that my toys went bye-bye. We play together nicely for a few minutes and then he starts getting all grabby. ugh! Jake's name at daycare is Dr. Destruction because his new favorite thing to do his clear the bottom shelf of toys. That shelf is pretty long and he's not happy until it's all cleared. He also is all over the room at daycare. If he sees a toy that they've stored under the crib, he crawls across the room in determination to get that one toy. He is a determined boy! GREAT! His teacher Ms. Lucy gets a kick out of Jake because when she feeds him his breakfast in the highchair, she'll give him a bite, then he pounds on the tray, then another bite, then he pounds on the tray. Ms. Lucy is trying to teach him that pounding doesn't mean more. She's trying to teach him sign language for "more".

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Eve

Today made history in my book. My country officially hired it's 44th president today. His name is Barack Obama. My parents told me that he is the first african american to ever be president. I'll probably remember him as I might be 10 yrs old by the time we get another president. It all depends on how many times my country elects him. I just hope and pray that he does a good job!
Jake and I.. ready for bed after a long day. Jake can't stay up as late as me so my mom, dad and I are going to stay up a little late to watch the inaugural balls.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Today, I had my first gymnastics class. It was SOOOO fun! I'm really not sure when I've had that much fun before! My favorite was jumping on the BIG trampoline. I jumped and jumped and jumped. My teacher said that I had a nice jump:) And to my suprise in the class was Eleanor! Our moms didn't even discuss signing us up for funny. Also, in the class was Parker another little girl from my school! Our gymnastics teacher wanted to know where we went to daycare because we all listened so well. I can't wait to go back next week!

me, Eleanor and Parker

I had no fear on the bar..

learning to do a flip on the bar...
airplane arms on the balance beam...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Sick day for Jake:(

Well, it hasn't been the greatest start to the new year at our house:( Jake got to spend a sick day(probably will turn into days) with mom today. He got to have all my toys to himself, and he loved every minute of it! Jake had a high fever and cough yesterday so my mom ran him to the dr. Would you believe that he now weighs 23 and 1/2 lbs? After the dr. gave the ok for him to have 3 meals a day of babyfood at 6 mo., he's starting to pack on the LBs again! I'm probably only 3 lbs heavier than him. We both wear size 5 diapers now! His 12 month pants are starting to look like floods on him. In fact, my mom keeps forgetting to send "updated" extra clothes to daycare and the other day he came home with his reserve clothes on. They were 9 mo. pants so you can imagine how funny he looked. He looked like he had shorts on. They only came to his knees! Anyway, Jake has RSV (a yucky respiratory virus) and a double ear infection...go figure! I had tubes at 7 months old...looks like Jake might be following suit:( So, we're back to breathing treatments, antibiotics and little sleep (except for me..ha..ha) at the Lamberson house!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Jake crawling!

He's officially into all of my stuff now! Jake started to crawl this past week. He crawls commando style. He puts his elbow underneath him and lunges forward. I like to give him his baby toys to avoid him getting mine but for some reason he still likes my toys better! This has been a big week for Jake. He's cutting his 2nd tooth, attended his first birthday party (the Costanzo twins) and is dancing on command. His teacher says, "go Jake, go Jake" and he sways back and forth. Ms. Jasmine said that dancing must run in the family because I too was such a good infant dancer in her class!
Here's a pic from Charlie and Thomas' 2nd birthday party. I had so much fun! They gave the best bday goodie bag..full of play-doh and stickers! I've already made broccoli several times out of the green play-doh.

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Saturday, January 03, 2009

Jumped Out!

This is a funny picture of Jake. He jumped so hard that he fell asleep. Jake likes to hum/grunt himself to sleep. Once he starts making the noise, we know that it's time to lay him down. It's pretty funny!

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all! I had a great New Year's Eve...I got to stay up late! Why is it that when I stay up late, I still get up at the same time in the morning? Oh well. Our New Year's Day was quite busy and fun. We had the Dennis families for lunch. We had Marge and her 2 daughters and their families. One family lives in Atlanta and the other family came from Pittsburgh. So, there were 3 kids at my house. They had a lot of fun playing with my toys and I did an excellent job sharing...something that I've been working on lately. Anyway, it was really a nice day.

Me enjoying a cupcake on New Year's Day..
My New Year's resolution...going to the potty!

Friday, January 02, 2009

Jake - 6 month stats

Jake went to the dr. this week for his 6 month well check-up and shots. Our poor little guy got 3 shots. He cried just a little bit but forgot about the pain very quickly. Jake weighs 22 lbs and is 28 in. long. He's back on the charts for weight and height as he didn't grow as much in the past 2 months as he has been. Jake still continues to be an extremely happy baby who lights up with a smile immediately when he sees me, mom or dad. He actually squeals when he sees me. I like to jump all around and act crazy to entertain him. My mom and dad sometimes give me that job when Jake gets fussy. Jake is sitting up all by himself now and continues to move about the floor. We don't think that it will be long before he gets the hang of crawling.