Sara Kate's Story

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Jake crawling!

He's officially into all of my stuff now! Jake started to crawl this past week. He crawls commando style. He puts his elbow underneath him and lunges forward. I like to give him his baby toys to avoid him getting mine but for some reason he still likes my toys better! This has been a big week for Jake. He's cutting his 2nd tooth, attended his first birthday party (the Costanzo twins) and is dancing on command. His teacher says, "go Jake, go Jake" and he sways back and forth. Ms. Jasmine said that dancing must run in the family because I too was such a good infant dancer in her class!
Here's a pic from Charlie and Thomas' 2nd birthday party. I had so much fun! They gave the best bday goodie bag..full of play-doh and stickers! I've already made broccoli several times out of the green play-doh.


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