Sara Kate's Story

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Sick day for Jake:(

Well, it hasn't been the greatest start to the new year at our house:( Jake got to spend a sick day(probably will turn into days) with mom today. He got to have all my toys to himself, and he loved every minute of it! Jake had a high fever and cough yesterday so my mom ran him to the dr. Would you believe that he now weighs 23 and 1/2 lbs? After the dr. gave the ok for him to have 3 meals a day of babyfood at 6 mo., he's starting to pack on the LBs again! I'm probably only 3 lbs heavier than him. We both wear size 5 diapers now! His 12 month pants are starting to look like floods on him. In fact, my mom keeps forgetting to send "updated" extra clothes to daycare and the other day he came home with his reserve clothes on. They were 9 mo. pants so you can imagine how funny he looked. He looked like he had shorts on. They only came to his knees! Anyway, Jake has RSV (a yucky respiratory virus) and a double ear infection...go figure! I had tubes at 7 months old...looks like Jake might be following suit:( So, we're back to breathing treatments, antibiotics and little sleep (except for me..ha..ha) at the Lamberson house!


  • At 6:50 PM, Blogger Ree said…

    Hi Jakey---I am so sorry you are so sick. I hope you don't follow in Sara's footsteps with the tonsils and ears. I don't remember her having a lot of chest congestion though. I'll have to ask your mommy. Stay warm in this cold weather and hopefully you will be well soon.
    I love you!

  • At 8:28 AM, Blogger Patti Thames said…

    So sorry that Jake is sick. I'm sure you'll be a good big sister & help mom take care of him. Your cousin Mary Jane is the same age as Jake. She had her shots Tuesday and weighs 19 3/4 lbs. That's only from breast milk. Her mom & dad started feeding her last week, so she might catch up with Jake. She likes sweet potatoes a lot and not real crazy about carrots. She's not scooting or crawling, but she can wave bye-bye like a beauty queen in a parade. We're so proud! Kisses to you & Jake.




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