Sara Kate's Story

Friday, January 02, 2009

Jake - 6 month stats

Jake went to the dr. this week for his 6 month well check-up and shots. Our poor little guy got 3 shots. He cried just a little bit but forgot about the pain very quickly. Jake weighs 22 lbs and is 28 in. long. He's back on the charts for weight and height as he didn't grow as much in the past 2 months as he has been. Jake still continues to be an extremely happy baby who lights up with a smile immediately when he sees me, mom or dad. He actually squeals when he sees me. I like to jump all around and act crazy to entertain him. My mom and dad sometimes give me that job when Jake gets fussy. Jake is sitting up all by himself now and continues to move about the floor. We don't think that it will be long before he gets the hang of crawling.


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