Sara Kate's Story

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Dr. Destruction!

aka Jakey is now 7 mo. old and let me tell you that he goes EVERYWHERE and is into EVERYTHING! I crack up my mom and dad because if Jake starts coming after my things, I tell him no ma'am, no ma'am! I've also started taking my things into the bathroom, shut the door and tell him that my toys went bye-bye. We play together nicely for a few minutes and then he starts getting all grabby. ugh! Jake's name at daycare is Dr. Destruction because his new favorite thing to do his clear the bottom shelf of toys. That shelf is pretty long and he's not happy until it's all cleared. He also is all over the room at daycare. If he sees a toy that they've stored under the crib, he crawls across the room in determination to get that one toy. He is a determined boy! GREAT! His teacher Ms. Lucy gets a kick out of Jake because when she feeds him his breakfast in the highchair, she'll give him a bite, then he pounds on the tray, then another bite, then he pounds on the tray. Ms. Lucy is trying to teach him that pounding doesn't mean more. She's trying to teach him sign language for "more".


  • At 8:41 PM, Blogger Ree said…

    Sara, unfortunately for you, Jake has mastered the art of getting around quickly at a very young age. Your dad felt the same way about Uncle Kyle, but Kyle didn't crawl until he was 9 months old. I really laughed when I read the blog about Dr. Destuction as it took me back about 28 years. Just be sure when you are closing the door to keep Jakey out that you don't crunch his fingers in the door like your dad did Uncle Kyle. It was an accident, but Kyle cried and cried for a long time. Jakey will be more fun to play with when he gets older and can actually play with you instead of just taking your toys. Pop and I are tired, we had a garage sale today.
    I love you both so much!!!


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