Sara Kate's Story

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Jumped Out!

This is a funny picture of Jake. He jumped so hard that he fell asleep. Jake likes to hum/grunt himself to sleep. Once he starts making the noise, we know that it's time to lay him down. It's pretty funny!


  • At 9:02 PM, Blogger Ree said…

    You get that grunting while you bounce from your Uncle Kyle. He used to sleep on his stomach and bounce his head on the pillow grunting himself to sleep. He did it until he was in high school!!! Your dad bounced himself to sleep as well, but I guess didn't need the grunting noise to get to sleep.
    Uncle Kyle needs music playing to go to sleep now so maybe that is in your future. By the time you are grown , they will probably have an implant in your brain that programs you as to when to sleep.
    We love you and miss you!
    Ree and Pop


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