Sara Kate's Story

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Long birthday!

I like this birthday stuff! This year my birthday celebration lasted for a whole week! My grandparents visited me on Sat. (yesterday) and brought me presents. I'm still under the weather from my surgery but had a fun time anyway.
My mom and I made a cake and I decided that it was a birthday cake so we put candles on it and sang again!
Jake and Grandma Ree
The whole gang..
Me and uncle Kyle doing puzzles..

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Here is a video of me doing a somersault...a new trick that I learned in PA. This was taken prior to my surgery. I'm not doing somersaults yet. I'm on the couch eating ice cream and watching Elmo.


Jake in his swing...Jake playing on his mat...Tummy time! Notice my baby is having her tummy time too..It's a party in here!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Tonsil less....

I'm officially adenoid and tonsil less! Let me tell was a LONG day for all of us! I was a great patient though, and we are glad that this day is behind us! After a busy summer, traveling and dr. appts., we are all ready for some much needed downtime...hopefully the next week or so of recovering will be just that! Here are some pics from my day...

This was me at 6AM this morning in the waiting room of The Children's Hospital. I had no idea what I was in store for....just knew that we had to get up really early to be at the hospital by 6AM. And, little did I know that in a few hours, my voice would sound like Minnie Mouse.My first popsicle post surgery. Notice the cast like thing on my arm. This was my IV. I did not like it one bit. In fact, I had such a fit about it that I pulled it half way out. I couldn't even look at it without getting really upset and attempting to pull it off.This was me 2.5 hours after the lobby of the hospital looking at the fish display. I was up and about very quickly and did not sleep much at all.

And, this video explains why I'm home tonight sleeping in my own bed. I was supposed to stay overnight in the hospital but I was over anxious to get out of that place. I did not sleep all day and was extremely active...way more than normal even. My mom and dad were exhausted keeping up with me. This video was taken 4 hours post surgery.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Jake - 2 month stats

Oh boy...or I should say big boy!! Jake is more than half my size! At 2 months, Jake weighs 16 lbs and is 23 and 1/2 in. long! When the nurse came to the waiting room she looked in then left the waiting room and went to the newborn waiting room. She came back and said "Jake". When my mom stood up, the nurse started laughing saying that she saw our baby but knew that he was not a 2 month old! He's one big boy!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

I'm 2 and Jake is 2 months!

Hi!...what a busy last week I had! I just got home from Altoona, PA where my mom, brother and I spent the past week. We flew up together and my brother and I were so good on the trip there. Then my dad came up this weekend to celebrate my birthday and help us home. The week seemed to fly by as I was very busy going places and seeing aunts, uncles and cousins. For Jake, it was his first time meeting them. Everyone thought that we were cute. They loved my curls:) The last time they saw me, I still didn't have any hair. The week seemed to focus around animals. We went to my grandma's cousin's horse farm to see horses and then another cousin's dairy farm to see cows. My favorite was the baby cows. I asked to see cows the rest of the week. We also visited Penn State Altoona's duck pond. I learned a new trick this past week...I taught myself how to do a somersalt! My grandma has carpet all through her house so I was doing somersaults all through her house. Yesterday, I also celebrated my 2nd birthday with family. We had a fun time. It was a nice way to end the week. So, now we are home and are exhausted from the trip. It will be so nice to sleep in our own beds! Another busy week ahead for us...Jake goes for his 2 month check-up and shots tomorrow and I get my tonsils and adenoids out and ear tube put back in on Tues.
We went to the park and had a picnic! Grandma pushing me..
Jake at the park. Yes, he's in his carseat again. He's still pretty boring. This week he started to coo alot he's starting to let his personality shine through. He really smiles a lot now! Me and the horses.. Me watching the baby cows.. My dad and I at the duck pond.. My birthday.. My cake had Care Bears on it and I had fun covering them in chocolate ice cream! 2 and 2...I'm now 2 yrs old and Jake is 2 months old. He's half the size of me!
Now that I'm in with the 2 yr olds now at school, I have to carry a bag to and from school. My mom and dad got me this cute jr backpack for my birthday. The regular size backpacks stretch to my ankles!:)
more pics at password is sarakate

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Check out my new found love for STICKERS! I worked very hard at putting these on my arm ...all in a row.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Birthday Party!

Today, I went to my friend Eleanor's birthday party. I had a fun time playing with some of my school friends. Of course, the best part was the cake! I liked playing on Eleanor's swingset. My mom was amazed at how I could climb and swing like a monkey from the bars. Now, I just have to talk my mom and dad into getting a swingset sooner than they plan to. Tomorrow is a big day for me at school. I start in the Explorers classroom tomorrow. It's full of 2 yr. olds...yikes! Yep, last Friday was my last day on the "baby" side of my school. My new classroom is on the big kids side of the building, and I get to go on the big kids playground. I'll probably learn all kinds of new tricks this week!
Me and Eleanor

My friend Riley from school..Me sliding

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Jake Bath

Jake gets a bath every night after me. I love helping out with his bathtime. You can see from the video how much he enjoys it too. He outgrew the sink baths within 1 week of being home. I was still getting baths in the sink at 6 months old!:)

Saturday, August 02, 2008

JT's Baptism

Today, we went to my cousin JT's baptism and to lunch. We had a fun day! Here are some pics that my dad took.
Lily and I (and of course our babies too!)
My brother and I....his arms and hands are almost as big as mine!Another carseat shot of baby Jake