Sara Kate's Story

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Jake Bath

Jake gets a bath every night after me. I love helping out with his bathtime. You can see from the video how much he enjoys it too. He outgrew the sink baths within 1 week of being home. I was still getting baths in the sink at 6 months old!:)


  • At 4:15 PM, Blogger Ree said…

    Hi Sara and Jake---I was just looking at Jake's bath pictures. I think he is going to like water as much as you do Sara. The part I like best is how intently he is staring at your mom while he is kicking. I think he must like her a lot as well. I know Grandma Pat must be getting excited about your visit. She is going to have so much fun with you two. I love you both soooo much!


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