Sara Kate's Story

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Tonsil less....

I'm officially adenoid and tonsil less! Let me tell was a LONG day for all of us! I was a great patient though, and we are glad that this day is behind us! After a busy summer, traveling and dr. appts., we are all ready for some much needed downtime...hopefully the next week or so of recovering will be just that! Here are some pics from my day...

This was me at 6AM this morning in the waiting room of The Children's Hospital. I had no idea what I was in store for....just knew that we had to get up really early to be at the hospital by 6AM. And, little did I know that in a few hours, my voice would sound like Minnie Mouse.My first popsicle post surgery. Notice the cast like thing on my arm. This was my IV. I did not like it one bit. In fact, I had such a fit about it that I pulled it half way out. I couldn't even look at it without getting really upset and attempting to pull it off.This was me 2.5 hours after the lobby of the hospital looking at the fish display. I was up and about very quickly and did not sleep much at all.

And, this video explains why I'm home tonight sleeping in my own bed. I was supposed to stay overnight in the hospital but I was over anxious to get out of that place. I did not sleep all day and was extremely active...way more than normal even. My mom and dad were exhausted keeping up with me. This video was taken 4 hours post surgery.


  • At 5:23 PM, Blogger Ree said…

    Hi sweetie! I am so glad your surgery is over and not surprised a bit at how well you did. I told your dad you would probably get through this even better than an older child might. Looks like you have plenty of energy to me. Pop and I are coming to see you and Jake on Saturday. We will bring your birthday presents too. We love you both and can't wait to spend some time with you. I am glad you are doing so well!


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