Sara Kate's Story

Sunday, August 24, 2008

I'm 2 and Jake is 2 months!

Hi!...what a busy last week I had! I just got home from Altoona, PA where my mom, brother and I spent the past week. We flew up together and my brother and I were so good on the trip there. Then my dad came up this weekend to celebrate my birthday and help us home. The week seemed to fly by as I was very busy going places and seeing aunts, uncles and cousins. For Jake, it was his first time meeting them. Everyone thought that we were cute. They loved my curls:) The last time they saw me, I still didn't have any hair. The week seemed to focus around animals. We went to my grandma's cousin's horse farm to see horses and then another cousin's dairy farm to see cows. My favorite was the baby cows. I asked to see cows the rest of the week. We also visited Penn State Altoona's duck pond. I learned a new trick this past week...I taught myself how to do a somersalt! My grandma has carpet all through her house so I was doing somersaults all through her house. Yesterday, I also celebrated my 2nd birthday with family. We had a fun time. It was a nice way to end the week. So, now we are home and are exhausted from the trip. It will be so nice to sleep in our own beds! Another busy week ahead for us...Jake goes for his 2 month check-up and shots tomorrow and I get my tonsils and adenoids out and ear tube put back in on Tues.
We went to the park and had a picnic! Grandma pushing me..
Jake at the park. Yes, he's in his carseat again. He's still pretty boring. This week he started to coo alot he's starting to let his personality shine through. He really smiles a lot now! Me and the horses.. Me watching the baby cows.. My dad and I at the duck pond.. My birthday.. My cake had Care Bears on it and I had fun covering them in chocolate ice cream! 2 and 2...I'm now 2 yrs old and Jake is 2 months old. He's half the size of me!
Now that I'm in with the 2 yr olds now at school, I have to carry a bag to and from school. My mom and dad got me this cute jr backpack for my birthday. The regular size backpacks stretch to my ankles!:)
more pics at password is sarakate


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