Sara Kate's Story

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Birthday Party!

Today, I went to my friend Eleanor's birthday party. I had a fun time playing with some of my school friends. Of course, the best part was the cake! I liked playing on Eleanor's swingset. My mom was amazed at how I could climb and swing like a monkey from the bars. Now, I just have to talk my mom and dad into getting a swingset sooner than they plan to. Tomorrow is a big day for me at school. I start in the Explorers classroom tomorrow. It's full of 2 yr. olds...yikes! Yep, last Friday was my last day on the "baby" side of my school. My new classroom is on the big kids side of the building, and I get to go on the big kids playground. I'll probably learn all kinds of new tricks this week!
Me and Eleanor

My friend Riley from school..Me sliding


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