Sara Kate's Story

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Old man Lamberson!

Here's Jake learning how to walk. My mom got this shopping cart at a consignment sale. My dad took off the cart and all the "girly" stuff so Jakey can use it as his walker. He LOVES it! He walks up and down the driveway. I think that he's realized that it feels better than crawling on his knees. Jake is babbling up a storm these days. He says cat and dog. He might say bus too. He babbles so much that it's hard to make out what he's saying but he knows for sure what he wants! He'll crawl in the pantry and point and babble and we know that he wants a snack. He'll crawl to the door, stand up and turn the door we know that he wants to go outside.


  • At 4:33 PM, Blogger Ree said…

    Wow Jakey! You are doing such a good job walking. That cart was just what you needed. Before you know it, you won't even need it anymore. What a big boy you are getting to be!
    You are too,too cute! I love you honey!


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