Sara Kate's Story

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


is Jakey says. DAT is officially his first word, I guess. Jake flips through his animal book and finds the page with the Cat and exclaims DAT! The problem is, he calls most thing DAT too. He's such a cutey. I love playing with my brother. In fact, tonight, I wanted to wake him up and play with him. He goes to bed earlier than me. He's such a boy though. He likes to climb all over me, pull my hair and make me laugh until I'm crying because he's hurting me. Somehow, I'm always the one that ends up in tears:(. Poor me. I'm still going to school part time and now love it again. Today, while we were driving home from school, I was crying because I wanted to go back. I LOVE being a Seeker. We do a lot of cool things. Yesterday, I took cupcakes into school for my birthday...Dora the Explorer cupcakes that my mom made. They were cute (and a lot of work)! I'm liking this birthday stuff. You know that Saturday is my official birthday but it feels like we've been celebrating it for months...wait..we have been!!! We are going to the GA Aquarium for my actual birthday. Other than that..still busy..going to the pool, the park and birthday parties. Last weekend we went to Eleanor's 3rd birthday party and I had so much fun. These days I'm also saying some funny stuff. Tonight when my mom told me that it was time for dinner, I said..."I don't want dinner (pause)...but thanks anyway". I'm growing up way too fast!:)


  • At 7:55 PM, Blogger Ree said…

    I agree that you are saying some funny things these days Sara. While we were visiting this summer and Pop and I had taken ya'll out in your van, you wanted to watch the Wiggles video. I tried again and again to get it to work and you kept telling me "Just push the button". Then I would ask you if it was on. You would say "No, just push the button again". Well, after a while I gave up. We were riding along and I looked back at you and you were staring at the video screen. I said excitedly,"Is it on?" You said "No, I'm just pretending." Pop and I cracked up laughing but yet felt sorry that you had to pretend the video was on because we couldn't get it to work.


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