Sara Kate's Story

Sunday, August 23, 2009

My real birthday..

was yesterday!! I was a little confused when I heard that it was my birthday...I mean wasn't it my birthday a few months ago, then a month ago, then last week? Jeez...I should by like 25 yrs. old by now! We had a nice day. We started out early at the GA Aquarium. I loved seeing all the fish but Jake might have liked them more. He squealed in excitement every time that a fish would swim by. We also loved watching the divers who were cleaning the tanks. They would wave to us and we would wave back. I got to pet baby sharks and baby cool! Unfortuantely, we missed the penguins because they were on vacation. After lunch and souvenir shopping we came home for much needed naps. After naps, we had cupcakes and ice cream, sang Happy Birthday and opened a few presents. Yes, we bought the cupcakes at Publix..can you believe it? My mom said that after making 81 cupcakes for our birthday party and making the Dora cupcakes for my birthday at school, that she was cupcaked OUT! Publix cupcakes are good though! We ended the weekend today at the park. My friend Maddie met us there and we had a great time!

A few pics from the Aquarium..
Birthday pics..

Jake being silly and trying on one of my new headbands..ha..ha.

My neighbor Rosie and I. I got a bunch of make-up for my birthday and Rosie had fun putting it on me.


  • At 3:10 AM, Blogger Ree said…

    Well--Happy Birthday again Sara Kate! I am glad you got to do something so special on your real birthday! I love you bunches!


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