Sara Kate's Story

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Weekend update

Well, I'm happy to report that I'm officially potty trained!!!! I still wear diapers when I sleep but otherwise wear big girl panties all the time. In fact, I'm so proud of my panties that I show everyone them. I only had 1 accident this week..on school. I was on the playground and forgot about telling my teachers that I had to go.

As for Jake, well he had a little accident early this week too. It was mostly my mom's fault but everyone's ok so that's all that matters. My mom put Jake on the counter as she was about to take dinner out of the oven. Jake always goes for the oven so my mom thought 2 seconds on the countertop wouldn't hurt. Well, my mom went to wash her hands and off Jake fell onto the floor and hit his head pretty hard. He cried right away which was a good sign. My mom still took him to the hospital just to make sure that everything was ok. The dr. said that he was going to be just fine. The dr. took 1 look at Jake in his diaper and said, looks like you got a linebacker there!

The rest of our week and weekend was busy. We had some family pictures taken at the Smith Plantation House in Roswell and also had dinner at El Porton with the Balog's (my friend Parker's family).


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