Sara Kate's Story

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Deep Creek Vacation

My family and I just got back from a week at the lake. Mom, dad, Jakey and I drove to MD to vacation with all of my aunts, uncles, cousins and grandma. The trip wasn't too long. We drove through TN, VA, WV and MD. On the way up we stayed over in Beckley, WV and on the way back we spent the night in Knoxville, TN. Staying over helped break up the trip. Mine and Jake's favorite part about the drive was the handful of different McDonald's playplaces that we played at. We enjoyed the trip so much. It's hard to believe that we are back home already. We got to see and meet so many new cousins! I basically followed my cousin Maureen around all week. I'm still saying.."I love Maureen". Wherever she was, I was 2 steps behind:) I also got to play with my boy cousins from CA and my girl cousins from Chicago. Everyone kept saying how well behaved both me and Jake were. Since I really don't remember my grandma's real house, I think that her house is the lake house. Grandma said that's fine by her...she wishes! Enjoy the pics...
Our view from grandma's house (not really her house but I think it is)..
More of our view. It was an amazing view even from the living room couch!
Me and great Aunt Sue
Jake and 2nd cousin Dylan Flannery (Jake likes teeth!)
Me and some of my girl cousins making cupcakes (Maureen, me, Fiona, Brigid and Kathleen)
Jake checking out the view..
Guess I need to brush my teeth more...just kidding! These are play teeth. I love these teeth! All of the kids were wearing them.
Some of the older kids playing Uno
My mom and all of her siblings and mom..
All the Rhoa granchildren minus cousins Matt and Patrick. Cousin Fiona is in the background because she didn't want to be in the picture.
cousin Ben
my CA Rhoa cousins and grandma..Jakey
Mommy and DaddyMe

Naughton girl cousins and Jude


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