Sara Kate's Story

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday Jake!!!!

Oh my, where has the year gone..really, I can't believe our little guy (ok, big guy) is 1! This year flew by! We love Jake so much, and I am so lucky to have him as a brother. I remember 1 yr. ago when I first met him at the hospital. It seems like yesterday! Jake had quite the day. We began the celebrating first thing this morning. I immediately asked my mom and dad, "well, where is his present?". I catch on fast!:) Jake was very happy this morning as usual. My daddy took me to school and took Jakey along. We stopped for donuts on the way. His old infant room had a little birthday celebration for him and gave him a present...a nice book signed by all the teachers. They really do miss him. This evening after dinner we sang to Jakey again and ate cupcakes (again) and ice cream. Then finally Jakey got to open his present. He got a new truck that sings songs. Jakey also got a little birthday balloon that I've been carrying around all evening. I kinda think that it's mine:) We all had a very nice day celebrating Jakey's special day. Enjoy the pics!

Jake's party at school..
Pics from the big birthday at home..


  • At 8:13 PM, Blogger Ree said…

    Hi Jakey!!!
    Pop and I can't believe that you are a year old already! You are such a cutey. We can't wait to see you and Sara at the end of July. You both change so quickly. You will probably be walking the next time I see you. We are glad you had a good day. We love you soooooo much!!!


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