Sara Kate's Story

Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Memorial Day!

Today we remember all those who are fighting to keep us safe and all of those who have died. In general, it was a rainy weekend but the rain held off today in order for us to have a fun day! We spent most of the afternoon at our pool. Our neighborhood had a Memorial Day pool party. Jake and I had A LOT of fun swimming. The water was quite cold but we didn't care. I was so happy to see Eleanor there with her family. Her and I had a lot of fun in the pool. When we got home, Jake and I took long naps. Then we ended the evening with dinner on the deck.Also this weekend, my mom and I went to the mall. We did some shopping and met up with Lily and JT to play. Lily and I jumped on a big kid EuroBungy. Lily did it first. I watched her and insisted that I do it too. I kept telling my mom that I could do it. She really didn't believe me but gave in. We stood in line, and I really didn't second guess myself until the attendants got me all strapped in. After they worked so hard to make the straps tight enough, I look for my mom and started to cry. My mom came in and held my hands until I started jumping on my own. After a few minutes, I loved it and began to smile. I think I said, "I want to do it again!" the whole way home from the mall.
Lily telling my mom that I CAN DO IT.
All strapped and now scared.. I think I can..I like it!... Did you know that Jake is 11 mo. old now? wow, time flies! At this time last year, Jake was getting ready to come out of my mom's belly. Jake still is cruising quite well but not walking yet. My mom and dad say that he needs to start walking real soon as he's too heavy to carry everywhere. Jake officially weighs more than me. We got on the scale at home last night and I'm 29 lbs and Jake is 29.6 lbs. Jake likes waving bye-bye and barking like a dog.


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