Sara Kate's Story

Sunday, August 23, 2009

My real birthday..

was yesterday!! I was a little confused when I heard that it was my birthday...I mean wasn't it my birthday a few months ago, then a month ago, then last week? Jeez...I should by like 25 yrs. old by now! We had a nice day. We started out early at the GA Aquarium. I loved seeing all the fish but Jake might have liked them more. He squealed in excitement every time that a fish would swim by. We also loved watching the divers who were cleaning the tanks. They would wave to us and we would wave back. I got to pet baby sharks and baby cool! Unfortuantely, we missed the penguins because they were on vacation. After lunch and souvenir shopping we came home for much needed naps. After naps, we had cupcakes and ice cream, sang Happy Birthday and opened a few presents. Yes, we bought the cupcakes at Publix..can you believe it? My mom said that after making 81 cupcakes for our birthday party and making the Dora cupcakes for my birthday at school, that she was cupcaked OUT! Publix cupcakes are good though! We ended the weekend today at the park. My friend Maddie met us there and we had a great time!

A few pics from the Aquarium..
Birthday pics..

Jake being silly and trying on one of my new headbands..ha..ha.

My neighbor Rosie and I. I got a bunch of make-up for my birthday and Rosie had fun putting it on me.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


is Jakey says. DAT is officially his first word, I guess. Jake flips through his animal book and finds the page with the Cat and exclaims DAT! The problem is, he calls most thing DAT too. He's such a cutey. I love playing with my brother. In fact, tonight, I wanted to wake him up and play with him. He goes to bed earlier than me. He's such a boy though. He likes to climb all over me, pull my hair and make me laugh until I'm crying because he's hurting me. Somehow, I'm always the one that ends up in tears:(. Poor me. I'm still going to school part time and now love it again. Today, while we were driving home from school, I was crying because I wanted to go back. I LOVE being a Seeker. We do a lot of cool things. Yesterday, I took cupcakes into school for my birthday...Dora the Explorer cupcakes that my mom made. They were cute (and a lot of work)! I'm liking this birthday stuff. You know that Saturday is my official birthday but it feels like we've been celebrating it for months...wait..we have been!!! We are going to the GA Aquarium for my actual birthday. Other than that..still busy..going to the pool, the park and birthday parties. Last weekend we went to Eleanor's 3rd birthday party and I had so much fun. These days I'm also saying some funny stuff. Tonight when my mom told me that it was time for dinner, I said..."I don't want dinner (pause)...but thanks anyway". I'm growing up way too fast!:)

Saturday, August 08, 2009

way TOO long!!!

hasn't it been? I hope you didn't give up on reading my blog! My family and I have been so busy the past weeks, and I couldn't ever find a good time to write. We've been going to the park, the pool, school, sick, chasing Jake, getting ready for company and birthday parties, etc. A few weeks ago my mom had some minor surgery on her nose for "bad" skin. A few days later, I got strep throat. Then my mom got strep throat and finally Jake got it. Ree was here visiting for the week and thank goodness neither she or dad got sick! I had so much fun playing with Ree. She found Jake and I very entertaining! Pop came mid-week to play with us as well. He also helped my dad get ready for the big carnaval birthday party. Ree and Pop took us out to eat and shopping a few times. That was fun! Jake and I had a joint birthday party this year. We had a carnival in our backyard. It was sunny and HOT! 22 kids came to join in the fun. Most of the kids were my friends from school. The jr. high girls (Sarah and Rachel) across the street did face painting. We had carnival music, a bounce(jump)house, a big tent, balloons, a pinata FILLED with candy, a duck pond, pizza, cupcakes and sno-cones. Sound like fun?! We were tired after the party but all the work was worth it. Everyone seemed to have a good time. Ree and Pop left a few days after the party. I went back to school after being off for a week. I had no issues going back. I was glad to see all of my friends again. We had my last day of "Early Learners" party this week. Next week, I'll be moving up to the "Seekers" classroom. I'm excited because my friends Maddie and Robert are moving to that classroom as well. We ended this week back at Urgent Care...well, not dad had to take Jake. Jake woke up on Friday and was very fussy. We didn't know what was wrong with him and suddenly realized that he wouldn't crawl. It turns out that he had "nursemaid" elbow which is where your elbow gets out of joint. Ouch!...I know because it happened to me when I was a baby. I think that it might have happened when Jake and I were wrestling the night before. Jake likes to play a little rough. Friday night, my family and I went to TGIF at the pool. Jake and I had SO much fun at the pool...more than usual. I think that we liked it so much because the pool was warm and there were so many kids around. We ate pizza and cake there. Everyone was wiped out when we got home. This past weekend we went back to the park. I saw some of my friends from school there. I am getting to be a pro at climbing and sliding! Jake enjoyed crawling all around and really likes climbing. If you saw him climb up slides, you'd never guess that he doesn't walk yet! Jake also loves when he sees other babies his age. He says "AWE!" and wants to grab their faces. He is really amazed by other kids. Jake is a climber for sure. At times we find him on the kitchen table! For not walking yet, he sure gets to where he wants to go! Jake also loves to dance or "shake it" on command. He does this cute little jig with his shoulders. The boy really has rythmn! SO..after the park today we went to Chick-fil-A. When we were getting out of our car, we heard "Sara Kate!". Guess who it was?...Robert!!! The Saturday fun continued as we had a impromtu lunch date with Robert and his family. Whew! I think that you're caught up now on what's been going on with us. Hopefully, it's not as long for the next post!

The 3 amigos at the park (Maddie, Robert and I).
Celebrating Ree's birthday..a little late..Birthday party pics...
School party pics...
BLACKMAIL!!!! Whenever Jake teases me someday, I'll be sure to pull out these photos! yes, this is totally wrong but I wanted to dress Jake up. Isn't my little brother cute?