Sara Kate's Story

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

Today is Mommy's day. Jakey and I gave mommy a very sweet card for being our mom. We love her so much and mommy told us that she is SO lucky to have such sweet kids. We really are good kids! We don't have any pictures to post from the this weekend or day. Our camera is charging. Mommy and I planted flowers early this morning. We got very messy! Daddy also worked in the yard making it nice and pretty. After naps, we played outside. We grilled out for dinner and had cupcakes and ice cream for dessert....yum! It was a nice day! After the week that we had, we deserved a nice day. Everyone in my house but my mom had strep throat and is on antibiotics...first daddy, then me, then Jakey.

Did you know that my birthday is coming up? I'm going to be 3. I'm telling everyone this as if my birthday is next week or something. I'm just reminding my parents so they don't forget. I guess they'll soon have to start thinking about my party!

Jake is still on the go. He's not walking yet but he cruises around everything quite well. He crawls super fast up the steps and even knows that he has to turn himself around to go down the steps. Jake's busy yet very cautious. Jake really loves me. Practically anytime I talk or laugh, he smiles or laughs. Jake likes to throw things and say..UGH. That means uh-oh! He also loves when Brantley barks. Jake mimics the barking by saying UGH, UGH, UGH, UGH. He's a funny guy. I like to call him buddy and tell him, Jake, you are FINE whenever he gets fussy.

I hope everyone, including my grandmothers...had a very happy Mother's Day!


  • At 7:53 PM, Blogger Ree said…

    Thanks for the mother's day wish. I am lucky to have 2 great kids and 2 great grandkids and a great daughter-in-law. Pop and I went out to eat with the Ingrams tonight. It wasn't my kids, but we had a nice time visiting. Pop and I are really looking forward to next weekend when your family comes to Florida. We are going to have so much fun!
    I love you all! Ree


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