Sara Kate's Story

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday Jake!!!!

Oh my, where has the year gone..really, I can't believe our little guy (ok, big guy) is 1! This year flew by! We love Jake so much, and I am so lucky to have him as a brother. I remember 1 yr. ago when I first met him at the hospital. It seems like yesterday! Jake had quite the day. We began the celebrating first thing this morning. I immediately asked my mom and dad, "well, where is his present?". I catch on fast!:) Jake was very happy this morning as usual. My daddy took me to school and took Jakey along. We stopped for donuts on the way. His old infant room had a little birthday celebration for him and gave him a present...a nice book signed by all the teachers. They really do miss him. This evening after dinner we sang to Jakey again and ate cupcakes (again) and ice cream. Then finally Jakey got to open his present. He got a new truck that sings songs. Jakey also got a little birthday balloon that I've been carrying around all evening. I kinda think that it's mine:) We all had a very nice day celebrating Jakey's special day. Enjoy the pics!

Jake's party at school..
Pics from the big birthday at home..

Monday, June 22, 2009

Happy Father's Day!!!

Happy Father's Day to all dads..especially mine! We love our dad SO much. He is such a great dad! This weekend was VERY hot and humid in Atlanta. We went swimming at our neighborhood pool on Saturday evening. I'm starting to really like the pool. On Sunday, Father's day, we made cupcakes for daddy's day and Jakey's upcoming birthday. They are yummy! Daddy worked in the yard some and then Jakey and I swam in our whale pool. We ended the evening with a cookout outside in the heat and ate more cupcakes! I'll post some pics soon..the pictures are on our other computer. Next up, Jakey's 1st birthday!!!! I told my mom tonight..."I have an idea, we have a party tonight!". I'm really into this birthday party thing!

Jake and I ( pic of daddy:() In the picture below, Jake is laughing at me:)

Friday, June 12, 2009

Days of Summer!

Summer is now in full swing and we are in full swing! Last weekend, we had JT's 1st birthday party, pizza night at the pool with Eleanor and her family and dinner at one of my mom's friend..Wendy's house. As usual by the time the work/school week came, we were exhausted. The next few weeks we are going to focus on Jake's 1st birthday, getting ready for our vacation in MD and planning our birthday parties. Jake and I will have a combined birthday party at the beginning of August. Jake will be 1 and I will be 3!

As Jake approaches 1 yr. old, he's turned into quite the climber. We have to watch him at all times! If the tray is not on his highchair, he will get out of it. Also, the other day, my dad turned his back when Jake was in the bathtub and the next minute, Jake was across the bathroom floor..he got out of the tub himself!!!
As for me, I'm still focused on my birthday and being 3! Everyday, I ask if it's my birthday and want to know if everything is "for my party"...and who is coming to my party! I have 2 months to wait..ugh!
Sharing some recent pics..

Jake wants to be a cowboy!
The Tow's at JT's birthday party.
Jakey and I eating cupcakes at the party. We are pros at eating cupcakes!
Everyday that I go to school, I come home with a new hair-do!

Thursday, June 04, 2009

What have we been up to?

A LOT! My family and I are staying quite busy these days..swimming, playdates, school, work, etc. Typically, after school and work, we play outside in the evenings..taking walks and riding bikes. Last week on one rainy evening my mom and I decided to make cupcakes. We pretended that it was my birthday..again. This time I got to take the cupcakes to school the next day! Here's a picture of Jakey licking a beater. We had to give him something to do so he would stop trying to "help" us.As I said, we've been going to our neighborhood pool to swim and play. We went last weekend again. This time there were no kids there when we first got there and I asked where all the kids were?!. Jake loves the pool and well, I don't as much. Maybe it's because it's still too cold. My favorite part about going to the pool last weekend was stopping by to see our "neighborhood geese" on the way.It's really hard to believe that Jake will be 1 yr. old later this month. Boy, time flies! He's not walking yet but he gets on and off his riding toys by himself and is quite mobile. This week, he even learned how to make himself go on the electric 4-wheeler! He was quite proud of himself. Jake's currently cutting some more teeth so getting up again at night. Luckily, I sleep right through it! Jake says mama and dada and babbles some other things. His new word is yum, yum. Anytime he eats something, he says, "yum, yum". Even if he's eating leaves outside, they are "yum, yum". EWE!