Sara Kate's Story

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Recent pics..Jake's 9 month photos with some of us

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

9 months old! and other updates

Jake turned 9 months old this week! Can you believe it??? He still is a very happy guy. He likes to babble all the time and say things He pulls up on everything. He loves his baths just as much as I like mine. His favorite toys are his Little People school bus and my baby strollers...pretty much anything with wheels. Jake has eyes for wheels. His favorite thing to do is try to sneak away to find a toilet to play in. Jake also loves going outside to play. If my dad and I are outside playing and Jake is in the house with mommy, he will cry until he can come out and play too. As soon as he feels the fresh outside air, he about jumps out of the arms of whoever is carrying excitement. Jake went to the dr. for his 9 mo. shots this week. His stats are 26 lbs. (off the charts)..(I made a mistake in a previous post about Jake's weight..I overestimated him by 1 lb), and 30 in long...87th percentile.

Me..I'm doing well. I'm like a little sponge. I've got my manners down...please and thank-you are a big part of my vocabulary. I count a lot. My latest learning is the days of the week. Impressed? I really like playing with my friends and enjoy going outside to "swing higher"...swing.

Jake and I have a little change in our daily schedule. So, we are adjusting. My dad took a new job...he's a stay at home dad for now. Jake stays at home with him full time, and I go to school 3 days a week now. I'm pretty sure you're aware how bad off the economy is and that a lot of people are losing their jobs. My mom said that we are in a recession and this is the worst economy that she can remember. Anyway, it is very nice to have my dad home. He's fun to play with!

Monday, March 16, 2009


Hmm..where does Jakey get his legs from???

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Holding my baby brother..

me..30.5 mo. old, 28 lbs and just entering 2T's. jake...8.5 mo. old, 27 lbs and wearing 18-24 mo.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Story time...again

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Reading stories to my brother...

I like to read stories to my brother...well more like turn pages and make up my own stories. I get a little upset when he doesn't pay attention. This is actually Eleanor's book. She came home from school with me 1 day this week to play. She brought this book and accidentally left it. So for the past few days that's all I do is talk about Eleanor's book, carry Eleanor's book around and even sleep with it! My mom keeps telling me to be very careful with it because it's Eleanor's. She's probably going to have to hide it soon and give it back to Eleanor's mommy when I'm not around.

Here's a picture of me in my fireman's hat. This week at school was fire safety week. I learned all about fires (don't play with fire!) and firemen.

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Blizzard 2009

Today in Atlanta is what the news is reffering to as the blizzard of 2009. It's funny because I guess it rarely snows in Atlanta but it's not exactly a lot of snow either. It was Jakey's first snow. He just watched from the window...way too cold for him to be outside! I loved watching it snow too. I got to play in it some before my nap and afterwards. The coolest part about the snow was eating it. People were asking me what it tasted like and I told them.."snow". what a silly question to ask! The snow was even more tasty when I ate it off my dad's shoes..yum!
Jake watching his first snowfall. Notice his new sneakers...size 5 wide!
I had to join him and see what all the fuss was about. I just like my is not a school day.
Me on the deck playing in the snow..
Jake eating puffs in his highchair and laughing at me.