Sara Kate's Story

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Reading stories to my brother...

I like to read stories to my brother...well more like turn pages and make up my own stories. I get a little upset when he doesn't pay attention. This is actually Eleanor's book. She came home from school with me 1 day this week to play. She brought this book and accidentally left it. So for the past few days that's all I do is talk about Eleanor's book, carry Eleanor's book around and even sleep with it! My mom keeps telling me to be very careful with it because it's Eleanor's. She's probably going to have to hide it soon and give it back to Eleanor's mommy when I'm not around.

Here's a picture of me in my fireman's hat. This week at school was fire safety week. I learned all about fires (don't play with fire!) and firemen.


  • At 3:42 PM, Blogger Ree said…

    Sara, I am so glad to see that you like to read stories to Jake. I think he did a pretty good job of listening for 8 months old. You were holding that book up for him to see the pictures just like a teacher would. You must be very observant of your teachers. Pop and I can't wait to see you two! We love you!


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