Sara Kate's Story

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Blizzard 2009

Today in Atlanta is what the news is reffering to as the blizzard of 2009. It's funny because I guess it rarely snows in Atlanta but it's not exactly a lot of snow either. It was Jakey's first snow. He just watched from the window...way too cold for him to be outside! I loved watching it snow too. I got to play in it some before my nap and afterwards. The coolest part about the snow was eating it. People were asking me what it tasted like and I told them.."snow". what a silly question to ask! The snow was even more tasty when I ate it off my dad's shoes..yum!
Jake watching his first snowfall. Notice his new sneakers...size 5 wide!
I had to join him and see what all the fuss was about. I just like my is not a school day.
Me on the deck playing in the snow..
Jake eating puffs in his highchair and laughing at me.


  • At 7:01 PM, Blogger Ree said…

    I'm glad ya'll got to have some snow! I am also glad we didn't get any. Jake and Sara, you look like you have a good time together. Pop and I can't wait to see ya'll. Have a good week! Love you so-o-o-o much!!! Ree


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