Sara Kate's Story

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

9 months old! and other updates

Jake turned 9 months old this week! Can you believe it??? He still is a very happy guy. He likes to babble all the time and say things He pulls up on everything. He loves his baths just as much as I like mine. His favorite toys are his Little People school bus and my baby strollers...pretty much anything with wheels. Jake has eyes for wheels. His favorite thing to do is try to sneak away to find a toilet to play in. Jake also loves going outside to play. If my dad and I are outside playing and Jake is in the house with mommy, he will cry until he can come out and play too. As soon as he feels the fresh outside air, he about jumps out of the arms of whoever is carrying excitement. Jake went to the dr. for his 9 mo. shots this week. His stats are 26 lbs. (off the charts)..(I made a mistake in a previous post about Jake's weight..I overestimated him by 1 lb), and 30 in long...87th percentile.

Me..I'm doing well. I'm like a little sponge. I've got my manners down...please and thank-you are a big part of my vocabulary. I count a lot. My latest learning is the days of the week. Impressed? I really like playing with my friends and enjoy going outside to "swing higher"...swing.

Jake and I have a little change in our daily schedule. So, we are adjusting. My dad took a new job...he's a stay at home dad for now. Jake stays at home with him full time, and I go to school 3 days a week now. I'm pretty sure you're aware how bad off the economy is and that a lot of people are losing their jobs. My mom said that we are in a recession and this is the worst economy that she can remember. Anyway, it is very nice to have my dad home. He's fun to play with!


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