Sara Kate's Story

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Picture Weekend!

I'll call this weekend picture weekend because I have a lot of pictures to post plus we had some ladies over yesterday to take our family pictures. Let me just tell you about that experience first..I showed my true colors of a 2yr old yesterday. We all looked so pretty but I insisted on sticking my toungue out of my mouth the whole time. No matter what anyone said or did convinced me to put my toungue IN my mouth! In fact, the more anyone made a fuss about it, the further I stuck it out! I'm usually not like this but something got the best of me yesterday. So, we'll have a lot of pictures with my toungue hanging out of my mouth and will certainly remember yesterday forever! And, if you get a Christmas card with me sticking my tounge out, you will know the story!

In other news Jakey started rolling over yesterday. He's been really close and has been trying for a few weeks. He was able to get his top half going but couldn't get the bottom half around. Now, he can "legally" sleep on his stomach at school. His teachers are going to be SO excited!

So here's some pics and movies from the weekend...enjoy!

My dad took a few pics of our trees this fall. The colors this year are beautiful!
Jake in the rocker. It's hard to get a picture of Jake looking at the camera:)
Jake eating his cereal..
He even laughs while eating..
OK...I never sit in the highchair but must since Jake did it. No, I did not sleep with the bow in my hair. I just wanted it in my hair when I woke up. the bunny must eat in the highchair too. Note the bow. And of course no one can fool me with "pretend" food and an empty bowl. We have to make real cereal.


  • At 11:03 AM, Blogger Ree said…

    Wow! What a long blog of pictures! It is really a pretty weekend here and looks like it is there. You and Jake are just too cute! Seeing your pictures really makes me anxious to see you. Pop and I are really looking forward to Thanksgiving when you come to see us. I don't know if Mimi will be able to join us because of her broken leg.I hope we have pretty weather then so we can play outside some.
    I love you two gk's!


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