Sara Kate's Story

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Sick Days

I'm at home today with mom and baby Jake...actually yesterday and today...I have an ear infection and cold. I can't wait for my surgery at the end of August! Here's are a few pics of baby Jake. He's now 5 weeks old. I'm having a hard time keeping my distance from him today.

Monday, July 28, 2008


Yellow is what I call coloring, which is one of my favorite things to do. In this picture I'm coloring in TN! Yes, this past weekend, my mom, dad and brother went to the Lamberson reunion. We stayed with all my aunts, uncles and cousins in a cabin on the river. I had such a fun time. It was nice to meet family that I've never met before. I am worn out from the weekend though. We came home yesterday. As we were pulling out of the driveway to start our drive home, I was already asleep!Me and cousin Mary

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Jake - 1 month stats

Jake turned 1 month old yesterday and had his 1 month check-up today. He weighs 11 lbs, 15 oz. and is 22 and 3/4 in. long. His weight is in the 94th percentile. His height is in the 87th percentile and his head is in the 56th percentile. Jake and I couldn't be more opposite in stats and looks! My head always was in the high ranges where my height and weight were always low and still are!. We're not really sure who Jake looks like but so far none of our facial features are alike. Unfortuantely, there's 1 thing that Jake and I have in common....reflux! Yes, you read right, poor Jake is suffereing from acid reflux as well. So far, he doesn't throw-up like I used to but the reflux makes Jake pretty upset sometimes. He started some medication today...Axid, so let's pray that it works. I ended up on a much stronger medication called Prevacid, but they won't give that to Jake until he tries all other options. We hope to post some pics of baby Jake's been a busy week!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Chocolate cake...yum!!

Here I am enjoying some cake. Can you tell what flavor it is? All is well with me. I'm talking more and more these days and singing lots of songs. My new thing to do is point my finger and say, "be right back!". And no, that's not a dead squirrel in the background. That's my dog's toy.

Saturday, July 12, 2008


I'm posting a pic of baby Jake....look how big he is!!! ...and to think that he was really due only 2 days ago! All he wants to do is eat! That was the total opposite of me:) So far, he's a really good long as his tummy is full. He's already stretching the limits on his 3 month clothes.As for me...I still really love my baby brother....and I'm such a great helper. I'm good at picking up his paci when he drops it. I do get concerned when he cries too much. In other news, I found out yesterday that I'm going to have surgery at the end of August to remove my tonsils and adenoids. I went to the EN&T dr. yesterday for a routine check-up and the dr. removed one of my ear tubes as it became dislodged. He also looked up my nose with a microscope/camera. He did not like what he saw. Then he looked down my throat and said...WOW...those tonsils are enormous! He doesn't normally touch tonsils until 3 yrs old but due to my breathing difficulties, he said that I could not wait another year. So, I'm having it all removed! The best part is that I won't really remember having the surgery and I will be able to breathe SO much better. I have to tell you that I was a trooper at the dr. I did not cry one single tear. The dr. said that there is only one word to describe me and that's PHENOMENAL! My mom was so proud of me!

Wednesday, July 09, 2008


I'm quite into pretending these days. My dad got this playmat out for Jake to use last night and I immediately put all my babies, dolls, Elmos and animals on it. I told them that it was time to play. Baby Jake isn't getting much use out of his bouncy seat, swing and mat as they've become my babies' toys.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Our stats...

Baby Jake and I went to the dr for a sick visit and Jake just to make sure that he wasn't getting what I have. I had a bad cold but for me that always turns into sinus and tonsil issues. SO....I weigh a big 24 lbs and Jake weighs 9 lbs, 6 oz. With the way that Jake is growing, I may not be the big sister for long! I didn't hit the 9 lb mark until 2 months old!

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

2008 - 4th of July parade

Every year my school has a 4th of July parade and we parade around the parking lot. My class made headbands with stars and flags to wave. We were all decked out in our red, white and blue looking quite cute:) My mom and baby brother were able to come and watch. My mom took what she thought was a lot of pictures but unfortunately the camera was in movie mode the whole time:( It's a new camera so we'll give her a break:).

My class was the start of the parade...I'm holding my teachers hand and have a blue skirt on. Not the greatest shot.

Here, I'm sitting next to my teacher Miss Liz. Since my class started off the parade, we got to sit on the curb and watch all the big kids. Again, would have made a good picture...not movie.

So much for a mini skirt on these legs...