Sara Kate's Story

Saturday, July 12, 2008


I'm posting a pic of baby Jake....look how big he is!!! ...and to think that he was really due only 2 days ago! All he wants to do is eat! That was the total opposite of me:) So far, he's a really good long as his tummy is full. He's already stretching the limits on his 3 month clothes.As for me...I still really love my baby brother....and I'm such a great helper. I'm good at picking up his paci when he drops it. I do get concerned when he cries too much. In other news, I found out yesterday that I'm going to have surgery at the end of August to remove my tonsils and adenoids. I went to the EN&T dr. yesterday for a routine check-up and the dr. removed one of my ear tubes as it became dislodged. He also looked up my nose with a microscope/camera. He did not like what he saw. Then he looked down my throat and said...WOW...those tonsils are enormous! He doesn't normally touch tonsils until 3 yrs old but due to my breathing difficulties, he said that I could not wait another year. So, I'm having it all removed! The best part is that I won't really remember having the surgery and I will be able to breathe SO much better. I have to tell you that I was a trooper at the dr. I did not cry one single tear. The dr. said that there is only one word to describe me and that's PHENOMENAL! My mom was so proud of me!


  • At 6:39 AM, Blogger Ree said…

    Wow! Baby Jake is so BIG! He looks at least a couple of months, and he is only 2 1/2 weeks old! I am so glad you are being a good helper. I thought you would be as you really like taking care of baby dolls. I am sorry you are having to have surgery, but am glad you will be able to breathe better. Pop and I can't wait to see you and Jake again at the Lamberson reunion in Tennessee in a couple of weeks.
    I love you sweetie!


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