Sara Kate's Story

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Jake's first bath...

Jake's first bath at home... After he was done, I wanted to take a bath in the sink too! Me looking on. All that kicking and screaming was fascinating!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Welcome home Jake!

My brother came home from the hospital yesterday. He left the hospital weighing 8 lbs, 3 oz....a little less than his birth weight. However, he is a little piggy when it comes to eating so soon he will be caught up to my weight. The first day home was good. I really am not jealous at all. far! I like to watch baby Jake eat and sleep and most of all like to hear him cry and make funny noises and faces. I find it very interesting to hear sound come out of his little mouth. Whenever he in not in his crib downstairs, I get very concerned. I keep asking my mom and dad..."baby Jake...where is he??...where did he go??"...accompanied with my hands up in the air. I'm going to be such a good big sister! Below are some pics of yesterday....

getting a sneak peak... He needs some music to help him sleep!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Jake - day 2

I went to see Jake again today. I still like him:) Here are some videos and pics taken today.

Me giving Jake a kiss...

Feeding my baby and yelling for my daddy..

Checking out my brother..

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

My brother arrived!

Hi baby brother arrived on Monday, June 23rd at 7:10PM! His name is Jacob Ryan. We will call him Jake. I think that he is so cute and sweet. When I visited him in the hospital today, I wanted to hold and feed him. I really love babies and am so excited to have a real baby of my own! Things might be different when we take him home, but I plan to be a big help with him. Here are some pics taken the during the first 24 hrs. of Jake's arrival. He was born weighing 8 lbs, 7 oz and 21.5 in. long.

Sunday, June 22, 2008


Medusa...that's what my dad calls my hair. This is what happens with an afternoon of playing in the southern humid climate mixed with a little bug spray and sunscreen.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Summer vacation!

I just finished a week of summer vacation. We didn't go anywhere as my baby brother could come anyday! Instead, my grandma Ree came from FL to visit for the week, and I stayed home from school. We did a lot of fun things...puzzles, swing, sing songs, play outside with chalk, play with my babies and go to the pool. I had such a great time! Here are some pics from the week...

My mom and I making my dad a Father's Day cake....
Me enjoying cake and ice cream. Notice my baby's high chair...I have to make sure that she eats too!
Ree and I swimming at my neighborhood pool....I call this the BIG pool!

Thursday, June 12, 2008


I have enough hair for pigtails...can you believe it? My teacher, Miss Liz, likes to play around with the little girls' hair so she put mine in pigtails yesterday. Too cute!