Sara Kate's Story

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Summer vacation!

I just finished a week of summer vacation. We didn't go anywhere as my baby brother could come anyday! Instead, my grandma Ree came from FL to visit for the week, and I stayed home from school. We did a lot of fun things...puzzles, swing, sing songs, play outside with chalk, play with my babies and go to the pool. I had such a great time! Here are some pics from the week...

My mom and I making my dad a Father's Day cake....
Me enjoying cake and ice cream. Notice my baby's high chair...I have to make sure that she eats too!
Ree and I swimming at my neighborhood pool....I call this the BIG pool!


  • At 7:31 PM, Blogger Ree said…

    Sweet Sara--I can't think of a week of my life that was more fun than spending last week with you! You are such a delightful and loving little girl. You are so smart,too. I really enjoyed seeing you do all of the things you have learned to do. I loved playing with you and helping you take a bath. Thank your mom and dad for inviting me up and letting you stay home from daycare to be with me. I love you with all of my heart and know I will miss you so much when I am back in Florida!


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