Sara Kate's Story

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Welcome home Jake!

My brother came home from the hospital yesterday. He left the hospital weighing 8 lbs, 3 oz....a little less than his birth weight. However, he is a little piggy when it comes to eating so soon he will be caught up to my weight. The first day home was good. I really am not jealous at all. far! I like to watch baby Jake eat and sleep and most of all like to hear him cry and make funny noises and faces. I find it very interesting to hear sound come out of his little mouth. Whenever he in not in his crib downstairs, I get very concerned. I keep asking my mom and dad..."baby Jake...where is he??...where did he go??"...accompanied with my hands up in the air. I'm going to be such a good big sister! Below are some pics of yesterday....

getting a sneak peak... He needs some music to help him sleep!


  • At 7:38 PM, Blogger Ree said…

    I like your pigtails. They look like the ones your new baby doll has! Ree


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