Sara Kate's Story

Monday, April 21, 2008

Elmo Tea Party

This isn't the greatest picture however it's a glimpse of how I pretend with my Elmo's. I worked real hard at getting them to sit straight on the chairs and made sure that the chairs were pushed in. Elmos and Tigger...they are still my favorites!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Fun at the Zoo!

Today, I went to the zoo! I had so much fun looking at all the animals. My favorite by far was the elephants. I just kept pointing and saying, "wow..yea, wow!" I liked watching them swing their trunks back and forth. I pretend my arm is a trunk and swing it back and forth like an elephant. I was so tired that I dozed off during the car ride home. But, guess what the first thing I said when I opened my eyes was......"elephants?!".
Me, my dad and the elephants...
I've never been this close to a baaaa before!

Watching the gorillas. I called them monkeys because that's what they looked like to me. I also liked watching all the other kids at the zoo!
Push me over there please..

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

My brother....

Attached are some sneak pics of my baby brother. It's amazing to see how he has progressed. My mom had a dr. appt today and all is going well. The dr.'s comments were..."that is one active little guy!". Uh-oh...what are we in store for? He has to stay in my mommy's tummy to grow for another 10 weeks and then he can come out. His current scheduled arrival is July 1st.

This picture was taken at 6 weeks. You can see that he was basically just a dot...

Here he is at 9, he went from a dot to this in 3 weeks! At 13 weeks...

At 17 weeks, we found out that he was a boy!

And, here he is at 28 weeks...weighing a little over 2 lbs. My mom had a few more ultrasounds in between weeks 17 and 28 however the pics aren't the greatest as "he" remained too active to get a good shot. Does he look like me?

Sunday, April 13, 2008

My baby and me...

My baby and I have been putting on the miles! I walk her all around the house. I got this stroller a few weeks ago and it has become my favorite toy. Sometimes Elmo takes a turn in the stroller but mostly it's just for my baby. I'm always kissing her head. I love her so much. In other news...I'm talking up a storm these days and actually recently started doing this thing where I say a word and then say yea and then the word again..almost like I'm telling myself that yes, I'm right. For instance, I say...mommy, yea, yea baby. It's pretty funny. I'm also starting to learn my colors. For right now everything is yellow. I've also started recognizing when I've gone to the bathroom in my diaper. Unfortuantely, I usually tell someone when it's too late but at least this is a good sign that potty training might be coming soon. I'm enjoying the warmer weather and playing outside. My school and neighbor friend, Eleanor came over to my house to play yesterday. We had fun. She's recently moved up to the Explorers classroom so I don't see her much at school except for on the playground. This now makes me the oldest in my classroom and next to move up to the Explorers. Probably in the next month or so, I'll start my transition.