Sara Kate's Story

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Fun at the Zoo!

Today, I went to the zoo! I had so much fun looking at all the animals. My favorite by far was the elephants. I just kept pointing and saying, "wow..yea, wow!" I liked watching them swing their trunks back and forth. I pretend my arm is a trunk and swing it back and forth like an elephant. I was so tired that I dozed off during the car ride home. But, guess what the first thing I said when I opened my eyes was......"elephants?!".
Me, my dad and the elephants...
I've never been this close to a baaaa before!

Watching the gorillas. I called them monkeys because that's what they looked like to me. I also liked watching all the other kids at the zoo!
Push me over there please..


  • At 6:02 PM, Blogger Ree said…

    Hi Sweetie!
    I had heard you might to get to go to the zoo today. I am so glad you and Mom and Dad had such a great time. The elephants were your Dad's favorite as well, only he called them elephanunts! It was a beautiful day here today. Pop has been building a cabinet, and I have been working in the yard. Now I have to do a little schoolwork before I can go to bed. Hope ya'll have a great week!


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