Sara Kate's Story

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

My brother....

Attached are some sneak pics of my baby brother. It's amazing to see how he has progressed. My mom had a dr. appt today and all is going well. The dr.'s comments were..."that is one active little guy!". Uh-oh...what are we in store for? He has to stay in my mommy's tummy to grow for another 10 weeks and then he can come out. His current scheduled arrival is July 1st.

This picture was taken at 6 weeks. You can see that he was basically just a dot...

Here he is at 9, he went from a dot to this in 3 weeks! At 13 weeks...

At 17 weeks, we found out that he was a boy!

And, here he is at 28 weeks...weighing a little over 2 lbs. My mom had a few more ultrasounds in between weeks 17 and 28 however the pics aren't the greatest as "he" remained too active to get a good shot. Does he look like me?


  • At 10:20 AM, Blogger Stephanie said…

    Love the blog. Not sure if you knew or not, but we are expecting boy #3 August 8. Check out our blog,
    Congrats on the boy!

  • At 9:48 PM, Blogger Ree said…

    Baby brother might just look like your dad. I guess we will see pretty soon! I love you! Ree


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