Sara Kate's Story

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Trick or Treat!

Happy Halloween! I was my favorite character this year for Halloween...ELMO!! We went to our neighborhood kids Halloween party, and I was exhausted from all the fun. I met a lot of new friends my age...mainly because of my many of the little ones wanted to say hi and hug Elmo:)Check it's my friend Eleanor again from school and swimming class. Suprise...she was at my neighborhood party. turns out that she lives on my street!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

A Fearless Shrimp!

Today was my first session as a "shrimp" at the swim academy and I must was a hit! I loved every minute of it. In fact my mom had a hard time holding on to me as I was sure that I could swim on my own! I am a pro at kicking and blowing bubbles. I did not want to get out of the pool but will look forward to class next Sat. I was also suprised to see my friend Eleanor. She is in my swimming class!

Look at me go!...

Learning to blow bubbles...

Fall Festival!

Yesterday, we had a fall festival at my school. My mom and dad came to eat snacks with me and my friends. We had a fun time.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

THE walker/ school collection

This is my class...hey, my friend in front of me has my jacket on! I must be wearing hers. Oh well, at least I had one on!Here I am trying to hide from my friends..Peek-A-Boo!
Music class..

Look, I can play with my knee! Oh, and this is my friend Eleanor. She's in a lot of my pictures, because she's one of my favorite friends. In fact, last Saturday while my mom and I were at the grocery store, we saw Eleanor and her dad. We giggled and waved at each other when we saw one another. It was so cute and neat to see one of my friends outside of school.

Here I am making brownies with my friends. This was our afternoon snack...yum! My teachers are brave when it comes to kids and messes!

Last pic. Can you find me? I'll give you a hint...I like to sit on my knees and listen very intently during story time.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Pumpkin Time!

It's that time of year again.... I'm alot bigger than I was the last time we visted this pumpkin patch! See my post last October to compare the difference! My mom, dad and I visited the Methodist Church pumpkin patch in Smyrna again this year. We enjoy going back to our old neighborhood from time to time. We ended the evening celebrating my dad's birthday (tomorrow) at one of our favorite resturants. My Uncle Kyle met us for dinner and we all had a fun time. I enjoyed showing him all my new tricks.

I found one!

Silly..I thought that you could ride pumpkins!

More shots ...

Friday, October 19, 2007

News FLASH...

I'm CAREFULLY walking!!!! Sticking out my tounge helps me concentrate!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Getting chilly!

It's getting quite chilly these days in GA. This morning it was down in the 40's so I had to wear my hat. Hats really don't bother me...I kind of like them. So far, I'm enjoying fall. I've been busy at school making fall art (pumpkins, leaves, etc.) and playing in the playground. I think that every pair of pants that I own have playground stains on them! Next week, we are having a fall festival in my class so we are getting ready for that. My parents will come to eat snacks with me and see all the artwork that I've been working on. I'm still working on walking. I stand and drink from a cup by myself. I walk along walls with one hand and I have taken 1 or 2 steps. So far, I'm quite content with crawling. I'm saying a few more words these days. I exclaim uh-oh when I drop something...that's often. I say up when I want to stand up. I say hi and bye. Bye, I wave. Hi, I put my hand to my ear pretending that it's a phone.