Sara Kate's Story

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

THE walker/ school collection

This is my class...hey, my friend in front of me has my jacket on! I must be wearing hers. Oh well, at least I had one on!Here I am trying to hide from my friends..Peek-A-Boo!
Music class..

Look, I can play with my knee! Oh, and this is my friend Eleanor. She's in a lot of my pictures, because she's one of my favorite friends. In fact, last Saturday while my mom and I were at the grocery store, we saw Eleanor and her dad. We giggled and waved at each other when we saw one another. It was so cute and neat to see one of my friends outside of school.

Here I am making brownies with my friends. This was our afternoon snack...yum! My teachers are brave when it comes to kids and messes!

Last pic. Can you find me? I'll give you a hint...I like to sit on my knees and listen very intently during story time.


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