Sara Kate's Story

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year (Eve)!

Happy New Year to all. We are on the move...or I should say moved!! We moved to our temporary apartment yesterday. We like it so far. As long as I have my "stuff", it's all the same to me. We're unsure how temporary our stay here will be. It all depends when we find a house that we like. Our apartment is at Post Chastain which is very close to my school and my dad's work. In regards to our commute times, we will surely get spoiled here. My mom used to live here before her and my dad got married and of course before I was born. So, she knows some of our neighbors already. Well, that's all for now. Hope that you all have a great 2007!

Christmas update

Hi All...hope that you had a very Merry Christmas! We sure did! At this time last week, we were in PA. I was a very good girl on the trip. It took us 13 hrs to get there and 13 hrs to get back. We left at 10PM and got there at 11AM the next morning. My mom and dad drove all night so I could sleep most of the trip. I'd wake around 7AM and want a bottle, so they would stop and feed me and then get back on the road. It was worth it to drive so we could take my puppies and all my stuff too! I spent my first Christmas Eve going to church with my mom, dad, and Grandma. Then, we spent Christmas day at my aunt Karen and uncle Dave's. It was nice to meet my cousins. This trip, I met my uncle Greg and his 2 girls, Maureen and Kathleen and met my aunt Karen and uncle Dave along with their family...cousins Erin, Patrick and Matthew. Here are a few pictures from our bathing in my Grandma's sink and me with Grandma. I must say, there was something about my Grandma's voice that I really liked. Whenever she would talk to me, I would giggle out loud.

Friday, December 15, 2006

It's been awhile...

Well, it's been awhile since we updated everyone...LOTS going on with my family! As you know Christmas is fastly approaching. My mom, dad and I did our shopping in about an hour and 1/2 last Sunday at the mall. My mom and I went one way and my dad went another. By the time that we all met back up, we had all of our shopping done..just in time for me to eat which is most about efficiency! Also on our plate is that we may be moving very soon...locally but to temporary housing. We had our house on the market and recently received some offers. We took the 3rd offer and if all goes well with the appraisal and inspection, we will be moving the last weekend in December. We will be so sad to leave our neighborhood and our neighbors, but with all my toys and "stuff", we were outgrowing our house pretty fast. Also, I have company this weekend. My grandparents on the Lamberson side came to my house late last night and brought my dogs back from FL. They will be here this weekend to celebrate Christmas. Then, on Wed., we will be leaving for a LONG car ride to PA to spend Christmas with the Rhoa's. A lot of my aunts, uncles and cousins are waiting to meet me! I'm excited! We are also taking the dogs with us, so it should be a fun trip! Once we come back to GA, we will move and then my mom will start work after the 1st of next year. She's pretty excited to go back to work. Once she goes back to work, I will start school full time. I'm actually spending today at school to test it out. My dad dropped me off this morning and so far I'm doing ok. Well, that's all for you see, we have A LOT going on, so we will update the next chance that we get.

Monday, December 04, 2006

latest stats

Wow..I now weigh 12 lbs, 9 oz!! It's hard to believe I ever weighed 4 lbs! I had my appointment with the pediatric gastrologist today. My mom and dad THINK that I'm doing better with the gripe water but kept the appointment anyway because it took us so long to get it. This dr. said that I definitely have reflux, which we know, but also said that I probably have pylorospasms of the lower stomach muscle (otherwise known as colic). The key word there is PROBABLY. My mom tells me that I should be a pediatric dr. someday because we probably know as much as they do when it comes to these digestion issues. In my first month of life, I was diagnosed with colic, then later on they said.."no, it's reflux". Now, another dr. is saying it's both. Who knows anymore! I wish I could talk and tell them all what I really think the problem is! This dr. said to continue the Prevacid and also prescribed Levsin for the pylorospasms. My mom and dad decided on their own to wait on the Levsin. Supposively it will cause me to be drowsy, and they really don't want that if not needed. So, for now we will just continue to do what we are doing and see how it goes.