Sara Kate's Story

Monday, December 04, 2006

latest stats

Wow..I now weigh 12 lbs, 9 oz!! It's hard to believe I ever weighed 4 lbs! I had my appointment with the pediatric gastrologist today. My mom and dad THINK that I'm doing better with the gripe water but kept the appointment anyway because it took us so long to get it. This dr. said that I definitely have reflux, which we know, but also said that I probably have pylorospasms of the lower stomach muscle (otherwise known as colic). The key word there is PROBABLY. My mom tells me that I should be a pediatric dr. someday because we probably know as much as they do when it comes to these digestion issues. In my first month of life, I was diagnosed with colic, then later on they said.."no, it's reflux". Now, another dr. is saying it's both. Who knows anymore! I wish I could talk and tell them all what I really think the problem is! This dr. said to continue the Prevacid and also prescribed Levsin for the pylorospasms. My mom and dad decided on their own to wait on the Levsin. Supposively it will cause me to be drowsy, and they really don't want that if not needed. So, for now we will just continue to do what we are doing and see how it goes.


  • At 3:43 PM, Blogger Rupi said…

    Dear Sara,

    Sometimes when I cry my parents feed me with Gripe water. You know what? I have been drinking gripe water for the last 8 months. I really like it's taste. I drink a brank called woodwards and it is really very tasty.

    But my parents do not give me gripe water daily, they limit it once in a while...(Some doctor told them it is not good to give frequently). Just to taste gripe water I cry sometimes (Even when I am feeling good)....but sometimes I really have indigestion and that is when i really want gripe water. As soon as I drink it i start feeling good.

    I am on the process of updating my Blog and soon you can see my latest pictures and latest stats.

    Take care and happy holidays to you. In case I could not catch you up before Christmas...A Merry Christmas to you.


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