Sara Kate's Story

Friday, December 15, 2006

It's been awhile...

Well, it's been awhile since we updated everyone...LOTS going on with my family! As you know Christmas is fastly approaching. My mom, dad and I did our shopping in about an hour and 1/2 last Sunday at the mall. My mom and I went one way and my dad went another. By the time that we all met back up, we had all of our shopping done..just in time for me to eat which is most about efficiency! Also on our plate is that we may be moving very soon...locally but to temporary housing. We had our house on the market and recently received some offers. We took the 3rd offer and if all goes well with the appraisal and inspection, we will be moving the last weekend in December. We will be so sad to leave our neighborhood and our neighbors, but with all my toys and "stuff", we were outgrowing our house pretty fast. Also, I have company this weekend. My grandparents on the Lamberson side came to my house late last night and brought my dogs back from FL. They will be here this weekend to celebrate Christmas. Then, on Wed., we will be leaving for a LONG car ride to PA to spend Christmas with the Rhoa's. A lot of my aunts, uncles and cousins are waiting to meet me! I'm excited! We are also taking the dogs with us, so it should be a fun trip! Once we come back to GA, we will move and then my mom will start work after the 1st of next year. She's pretty excited to go back to work. Once she goes back to work, I will start school full time. I'm actually spending today at school to test it out. My dad dropped me off this morning and so far I'm doing ok. Well, that's all for you see, we have A LOT going on, so we will update the next chance that we get.


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