Sara Kate's Story

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Jake's Colors..

I want to take a minute and be sure that I document the fact that Jake just turned 2 and he pretty much knows all of his colors. I don't know about you, but I just think that's remarkable. I can't get over how much older he acts than he is. He looks older too. Today, while we were driving, he pointed out a garbage truck, an x-vater (his word for excavator) and a tota-tola truck (a big red Coca-Cola truck). He is growing up way too fast!!!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Best Saturday Morn!

My mom and I did the grocery store thing on Saturday morning and Jakey and daddy went to watch bulldozers and dumptrucks! They even drove to the firestation and by an antique shop that has a room of electric trains. Jake was in heaven this Saturday as he got to see ALL of his favorite things!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Summer trips

Well, we've had a very fullfilling summer thus far! We started out the summer by going to Florida to visit Ree and Pop for Memorial Day. We had a great weekend and fun in the ocean! Unfortunately, my mom wasn't able to come to the ocean with us or do many things. My mom has been sick with mono and has been sleeping a lot! She had to take a few weeks off of work to try to recover. She's doing much better now and more like herself again! We are all thankful!

Next up was Altoona, PA. My mom, Jake and I flew to Pittsburgh and rode in a car to Altoona. Flying was so much fun. The plane was all quiet and Jake kept yelling airplanes!..airplanes!...airplanes!. I love taking off and landing. We were both extremely well behaved on the trip. We stayed in Altoona for 1 week and really enjoyed ourselves. We got to see our aunts, uncles and cousins and spent a lot of time with Grandma and Devin. We were busy almost everyday. We went to Delgrosso's amusement park and rode rides. Jake and I went from ride to ride. I stood in line for some big rides but they measured me and I wasn't tall enough. I was disappointed. I think that I will like the big rides someday...maybe a little more than Jake. He really liked the kiddie rides but nothing that went up and down or too fast. Pictures would be nice right? Ughhhhhhhhhhh...if we could only find that camera! The last time my mom had it was at our school for our 4th of July parade and we haven't been able to find it since. Well, since we were in PA, my dad had to spend Father's Day alone..poor guy. We surely missed him...but I think that he had a great vacation too:)

After a few weeks home, Ree came up to stay with us for a week. Jake and I stayed out of school to be home with Ree. She is brave. She took Jake and I somewhere everyday. We went to the spray park, the pool and had several picnics. I bet she was tired when she went home. We loved having her here! Pop came up to pick her up and he stayed a long weekend. We were so glad to see him too. They took us out to dinner and we did some more swimming. It was a great time!

Well, in short that catches you up with our summer. It's been a busy one for sure. But, it's been really nice too. Jake and I are both old enough to do fun things with. No babies to cart around!:)

Happy Birthday Jake!!!!!

I'm so sorry that this post is nearly a month late. I guess it's what they say..the poor 2nd child suffers:( Can you believe my brother is 2? We can't!!! He is such a cutie. Here are is 2nd yr. check up stats: Weight is 34 lbs - 96th percentile. Height is 37 in. - 97th percentile. Head is 50 cm. - 81st percentile. All in all..he IS a big boy. My mom dresses him and I as twins sometimes because we are both wearing 3-4t's. Jake's dr. was asking my mom questions about Jake's development. As she asked, "is he putting words together?"....Jake started marching and said march, march..left, right, left. The dr. laughed. It helps having me as a big sister to watch b/c Jake definitely acts older than his age. We sometimes forget that he is just 2! Jake definitely has more definite signs of terrible 2's than I did. But, Jake also has me to fight with which I didn't have anyone at his age. Jake also started a new class at school. He's in the Explorer class and LOVES it. No more baby side of the school:( He started doing the Tumble Bus at school. A company that comes and takes the kids out to tumble in a colorful bus. The "coach's" first response was ..that boy has some big calfs! Ha ha...that's our Jake! Jake had a great 2nd birthday. We are so sad to report that our camera is lost with the pictures on it. He had a party at school with a big Diego cupcake pull apart cake. Then we had presents, balloons and more singing, cake and ice cream at home. Of course, I asked when it was my birthday. I now know August 22nd!!! I tell people that I'm 3, but I'll be 4 in August!