Sara Kate's Story

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Summer trips

Well, we've had a very fullfilling summer thus far! We started out the summer by going to Florida to visit Ree and Pop for Memorial Day. We had a great weekend and fun in the ocean! Unfortunately, my mom wasn't able to come to the ocean with us or do many things. My mom has been sick with mono and has been sleeping a lot! She had to take a few weeks off of work to try to recover. She's doing much better now and more like herself again! We are all thankful!

Next up was Altoona, PA. My mom, Jake and I flew to Pittsburgh and rode in a car to Altoona. Flying was so much fun. The plane was all quiet and Jake kept yelling airplanes!..airplanes!...airplanes!. I love taking off and landing. We were both extremely well behaved on the trip. We stayed in Altoona for 1 week and really enjoyed ourselves. We got to see our aunts, uncles and cousins and spent a lot of time with Grandma and Devin. We were busy almost everyday. We went to Delgrosso's amusement park and rode rides. Jake and I went from ride to ride. I stood in line for some big rides but they measured me and I wasn't tall enough. I was disappointed. I think that I will like the big rides someday...maybe a little more than Jake. He really liked the kiddie rides but nothing that went up and down or too fast. Pictures would be nice right? Ughhhhhhhhhhh...if we could only find that camera! The last time my mom had it was at our school for our 4th of July parade and we haven't been able to find it since. Well, since we were in PA, my dad had to spend Father's Day alone..poor guy. We surely missed him...but I think that he had a great vacation too:)

After a few weeks home, Ree came up to stay with us for a week. Jake and I stayed out of school to be home with Ree. She is brave. She took Jake and I somewhere everyday. We went to the spray park, the pool and had several picnics. I bet she was tired when she went home. We loved having her here! Pop came up to pick her up and he stayed a long weekend. We were so glad to see him too. They took us out to dinner and we did some more swimming. It was a great time!

Well, in short that catches you up with our summer. It's been a busy one for sure. But, it's been really nice too. Jake and I are both old enough to do fun things with. No babies to cart around!:)


  • At 8:08 PM, Blogger Ree said…

    SK and Jake---I really enjoyed my week with you in Atlanta! I am so glad we got to do some fun things. It is so nice that you two are well behaved and mind well; it made it a lot easier to take you places. As soon as I have time to download the pictures Pop and I took, we will send you some. Maybe Mommy can put some on this blog as your camera was lost when I was there. I will copy one of them to put on my desk at school so I can remember our fun summer days together. I start my school year in 10 more days! This was a really short summer for me. I love you both soooo much! Can't wait to see you at the Lamberson reunion Labor Day!


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