Sara Kate's Story

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Jake's full on walking now! Sometimes he gets ahead of himself and falls. He got his first true "walking wound" tonight. My mom was unloading groceries from the car and when she came back out to the driveway, she found Jake screaming and blood dripping from his forehead. We're really not sure how he fell because we didn't see it, but there was definitely blood, a BIG bump and LOTS of tears! Poor Jakey!
Other than that Jake is doing really well in school. They call him the class bully but that's probably because he's the biggest kid in his class. He's also the class greeter. He squeals "hi!!" and waves whenever anyone comes in his classroom. When my mom picks us up in the evening before leaving, Jake likes to go around and wave good-bye to everyone. My mom has changed our pick-up routine a bit. She used to get Jake first then they would come get me. But, Jake loves my classroom a little too much. He's set out to destroy my classroom and then we have to make stops at the sink, the water fountain, etc and it was taking too long to get out of there. So now, my mom picks me up first and then we go get Jake.

Only a few more days until Thanksgiving! We are going to our cousins, the Tows' this year. Great aunt Sue will be there too. It will be nice to stay in town, yet go to someone else's house for Thanksgiving:) We've been talking about Thanksiving at school for a couple of weeks now. Last Friday we had a family feast. My mom came and ate lunch with me and all the kids sang turkey songs. It was fun and cute. My favorite was the pumpkin pie! We hope that everyone has a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!

Here's a picture of Jakey and his bloody forehead:(

Also, here's a video of Jakey walking now. It was hard to capture his first steps. In most aspects, Jake and I have been very different since birth. Jake crawled earlier than me but I walked before him. Also, when I started taking steps..within a week I was full on walking. Jake has been taking steps for several months and really gradually went to full on walking. Over the last month, everyday, he seemed to walk a little more. It's really hard to say when he "officially" started walking. We say that he started walking when he was walking more than he was crawling.

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Jakey's walking!!!!...

well, he still crawls some but only when he wants to get somewhere fast. Jake also has some new words. He calls me sis or ssss...either way, he has a name for me. Jake also loves fish and has an easy time saying fish. He also is quick to say hot for any drink that it's a mug. Jake also knows his eyes, nose and mouth now. Even though Jake's had some adjustment at daycare, it seems as though it's help get some of the "baby" out of him. Jake got in a little trouble last week at school because he was pushing his friends and also bit a little girl on the cheek. We think that maybe he was just trying to kiss her..I guess let's hope that was his intention! Jake really likes to wrestle and be rough. He and I wrestle a lot..usually until someone cries but nonetheless I think he wants his friends at school to wrestle with him. Not much going on this weekend thank goodness...just the normal stuff playing, cleaning up and laundry!

Here's a picture of Jake helping himself to our Halloween candy. My mom went upstairs for only a few minutes and this was the scene when she came back!

Monday, November 02, 2009

Trick or Treat...I hope you don't get my flu!

Well, it was a very interesting week at the Lamberson house. I had the stomach flu and we went through a few bottles of Lysol! We had a party to go to at my friend Eleanor's house however, I was still vomitting on Saturday so we had to cancel. I was feeling a little better by Saturday night..enough to put my costume on and head out to a few houses. It was cold, rainy and pretty much miserable this Halloween. Our neighborhood kids party was also cancelled because of the flood damage at the clubhouse. We've been having a lot of flooding due to all the rain we are getting. Despite the sickness and the crummy weather, our costumes were a hit. Jakey and I were Dora and Diego...our 2 favorite characters. Many people laughed at my Dora wig. It was a lot of hair for my little head!:) Jake and I really enjoyed all the candy. My mom put candy in a bowl to give to our trick or treaters and it was 1/2 in our buckets before we even went out trick or treating! We had several "trick or treat" practices with mom:)

Here is Dora and Diego..
We ended the weekend by having a playdate with cousins Lily and JT on Sunday. I was better!..yeah! We planned to go to the park but instead got Happy Meals and took them to the Tows house. It was sunny on Sunday but still wet from all of the rain. We had so much fun playing together!