Sara Kate's Story

Friday, April 24, 2009


This week, I had so much fun...lots of playdates! On Thursday, My dad took me to the mall to meet Beth, Lily, JT and Grandma Sue. We ate lunch, rode the carousel and played on the slides. It took me just a few minutes to warm up but then I played strong. It was a lot of fun! Then on Saturday, Jake, mommy and I went on a picnic lunch at the park. We met Lily and family there. We had a lot of fun swinging, sliding and running around. It was pretty hot out there. We got to wear our shorts for the first time this spring. I don't remember ever wearing shorts so I thought they were panties. My dad had to explain the concept of shorts to me. Anyway, Jake and I immediately fell asleep in the car leaving the park. We were pooped! Today, my friend Maddie came over for a playdate. We played hard all morning and then we went out to lunch for pizza. Phew...busy weekend! Here are some pics from my day at the mall with Lily.


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